创build数据透视表和图表在用于Autohotkey的Excel COM中

我试图创build一个数据透视表,然后从ahk的透视图embedded到电子邮件。 我是一个小菜鸟,所以请原谅我的代码质量。 我无法让我的数据透视表正确设置,并且无法为我的生活出现一个图表。 我已经提到了我一直在工作的post,以及在这篇文章底部的最终结果。

我的数据是两列,与(可以使它没有)时间的标题,并警告我希望能够创build一个图表,显示数量和警告的types随着时间的推移,从那里得到一个对象的句柄和把它放在一个Outlook电子邮件,甚至只是一个副本粘贴会为我工作。 请告诉如何做到这一点,我想我是如此接近。

编辑我更新了下面的代码,得到它的点(马虎确定)图表创build,我唯一缺less的东西是向数据透视表中的图例字段添加“警告”,并将Axis(目录)从“时间“到”小时“,这将按小时分组,而不是单独的时间戳。 如果我手动这样做,我似乎得到了我想要的结果。 之后,我只想删除图表标题,然后将图表分配给要embedded的对象,或者将其放到剪贴板上。


f1::Reload Pause::Pause f2::ListVars Pause !`:: function() return function() { when:=[] what:=[] Nothing:="Nothing to report, have a wonderful day." TMP:="" RMRKS:="" Date1:="" Date2:="" EMOUT:="" EMIN := Clipboard ; Email text var Loop, Parse, EMIN,`n,`r ; parse email by line { tmp := StrSplit(A_LoopField, ";") ; for each line break it into chunks by ";" rmrks := tmp.6 ; Warn code is in 6th index If (InStr(rmrks, "Warning")) ; If this is a warning line { date1:=StrSplit(tmp.1, "/") ; date/time is in DD/MM/YYYY , split it up by "/" date2= % date1.2 "/" date1.1 "/" date1.3 ; Rearrange the date into MM/DD/YYYY EMOUT .= date2 "`t" rmrks "`n" ; Push into VAR "11/24/2016 13:40:45 WARNING MESSAGE" } } EMOUT := StrReplace(EMOUT,"""") ; Replace all of the quotes in the var with Null Loop, Parse, EMOUT,`n,`r ; Split output by line and then... { tmp := StrSplit(A_LoopField, ["`t"]) ; split lines by tab when.insert(tmp.1) ; insert date/time stamp into "when" array what.insert(tmp.2) ; insert Warn Code into "what" array } if (emout!="") ; If there was stuff to put into array { XL := ComObjCreate("Excel.Application") ; create an excel object wbk := xl.Workbooks.Add ; add a workbook to the object Xl.Visible := True ; make it visible XL.Range("A1").Value := "Time" ;Create Time header XL.Range("A:A").columnwidth := "20" XL.Range("B:B").columnwidth := "56.86" XL.Range("B1").Value := "Warning" ; Create Warning Header for index in when Xl.Range("A" . index+1).Value := when[index] ;add everything in the "when" array for index in what Xl.Range("B" . index+1).Value := what[index] ;add everything in the "what" array rng := xl.Sheets(1).UsedRange.address trgt := xl.Sheets(1).range("c1") pvt := xl.ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Create(xlDatabase:=1, rng, xlPivotTableVersion12:=3).CreatePivotTable(trgt, "PivotTable1", ,xlPivotTableVersion12:=3) pvt.PivotFields("warning").Orientation := 1 pvt.PivotFields("warning").Position := 1 pvt.PivotFields("time").Orientation := 1 pvt.PivotFields("time").Position := 2 pvt.AddDataField(pvt.PivotFields("Warning"), "Count of Warning", -4112) Sheet := xl.Sheets(1) Sheet.Shapes.AddChart.Select wbk.ShowPivotChartActiveFields := false xl.ActiveChart.ChartType := 51 xl.ActiveChart.PivotLayout.PivotTable.PivotFields("Warning").Orientation = xlColumnField xl.ActiveChart.PivotLayout.PivotTable.PivotFields("Warning").Position = 1 return } if (emout="") Msgbox, %Nothing% Reload } 


autohotkey点com / board / topic / 149544-table-pivot-vs-table-pivot-chart-com

autohotkey点com / board / topic / 125719-com-excel-pivot-table


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  1. search你想做的VBA函数(更有可能获得好的search结果寻找VBAbuild议)
  2. logging一个macros,在Excel中做你想做的事情,然后看看生成的VBA代码。 换句话说,在logging一个macros的时候,制作一个图表并删除标题,然后看看它是否给你提供了很好的代码。 在某些情况下,这将起作用,在某些情况下不会。



  f1::Reload Pause::Pause f2::ListVars Pause !`:: SetKeyDelay, -1 Recipients:="test64413@gmail.com" TMP:="" RMRKS:="" Date1:="" Date2:="" City:="" Chart:="" Warnings:="" EMAIL:=clipboard city:=Getcity(EMAIL) ; Get city name Warnings := ParseWarnings(Email) if Warnings.MinIndex() ; If there was stuff to put into array { Chart := CreateChart(Warnings) CreateEmail(Chart, city,Warnings) } else msgbox , No Warnings ;###################################################################################################################################################################################################################; ;########################################################################################## Functions ####################################################################################################; ;###################################################################################################################################################################################################################; ParseWarnings(Email) { Warnings := [] EMAIL := StrReplace(EMAIL, """") ; Email text var. Remove all quotes. Loop, Parse, EMAIL, `n, `r ; Parse email by line { tmp := StrSplit(A_LoopField, ";") ; For each line break it into chunks by ";" rmrks := tmp.6 ; Warn code is in 6th index If InStr(rmrks, "Warning") ; If this is a warning line { date1:=StrSplit(tmp.1, "/") ; Date/time is in DD/MM/YYYY , split it up by "/" Warnings.Push( {"When": date1.2 "/" date1.1 "/" date1.3, "What": rmrks} ) ;Warnings[1].when //// Warnings[1].what } } return Warnings } CreateChart(Warnings) { static xlColumnClustered := 51 , xlColumnField := 2 , xlCount := -4112 , xlDatabase := 1 , xlHidden := 0 , xlPivotTableVersion12 := 3 , xlRowField := 1 XL := ComObjCreate("Excel.Application") ; Create an excel object Wbk := XL.Workbooks.Add ; Add a workbook to the object Xl.Visible := True ; Make it visible Sheet := xl.Sheets(1) ; Save a reference to this sheet ; Set Column headings and width Sheet.Range("A1").Value := "Time" ; Create Time header Sheet.Range("A:A").columnwidth := "20" Sheet.Range("B1").Value := "Warning" ; Create Warning Header Sheet.Range("B:B").columnwidth := "56.86" ; Create a safe array and copy data into it. Then put the safe array into a range. nRows := Warnings.MaxIndex() ; The number of rows SafeArray := ComObjArray(12, nRows, 2) ; Create a safearray of the correct size. (Type = 12, Rows = nRows, Columns = 2) for i, Warning in Warnings { SafeArray[i - 1, 0] := Warning.When ; SafeArray[RowNumber, ColumnNumber] := Value SafeArray[i - 1, 1] := Warning.What ; SafeArray index starts at 0 (not 1) } Cell := Sheet.Range("A2") ; The top left cell of the range Sheet.Range(Cell, Cell.Offset(nRows - 1, 1)).Value := SafeArray ; Put the SafeArray into the Range rng := Sheet.UsedRange.address trgt := Sheet.range("c1") pvt := xl.ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches .Create(xlDatabase, rng, xlPivotTableVersion12) .CreatePivotTable(trgt, "PivotTable1",, xlPivotTableVersion12) pfWarning := pvt.PivotFields("warning") pfWarning.Orientation := xlColumnField pfWarning.Position := 1 pvt.AddDataField(pfWarning, "Count of Warning", xlCount) ; **Is it necessary to set 'pfTime.Orientation' multiple times? pfTime := pvt.PivotFields("time") ; VBA = With ActiveChart.PivotLayout.PivotTable.PivotFields("Time") pfTime.Orientation := xlHidden ; VBA = ActiveChart.PivotLayout.PivotTable.PivotFields("Time").Orientation = xlHidden pfTime.Orientation := xlRowField ; VBA = .Orientation = xlRowField pfTime.Position := 1 ; VBA = .Position = 1 pfTime.AutoGroup ; Must be Office version >= 2016 pvt.PivotFields("Minutes").Orientation := xlHidden ; ??? pfTime.Orientation := xlHidden ; ??? Sheet.Shapes.AddChart wbk.ShowPivotChartActiveFields := false Sheet.ChartObjects(1).Activate Chart := wbk.ActiveChart Chart.ChartTitle.Delete Chart.ChartType := xlColumnClustered Chart.PivotLayout.PivotTable.PivotFields("Warning").Orientation := xlColumnField Chart.PivotLayout.PivotTable.PivotFields("Warning").Position := 1 return Chart } CreateEmail(Chart, city,warnings) { ; Reference: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25603864/copy-excel-chart-to-outlook-mail-message ; Alternative method: http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/562877-paste-chart-into-email-body.html static olMailItem := 0 olApp := ComObjCreate("Outlook.Application") Email := olApp.CreateItem(olMailItem) Email.Display Email.To := "test64413@gmail.com" Email.Subject := "*** Todays Warnings for Your Gain Site in " city " ***" body:=warndata(warnings) header:="`n" "`n" "Data:" "`n" Email.body := header . body Chart.ChartArea.Copy wEditor := olApp.ActiveInspector.WordEditor wEditor.Application.Selection.Paste } GetCity(EMAIL) { Split := StrSplit(EMAIL, "`n", "`r") City := Split[Split.Length()-5] IfNotInString, City, , City := Split[Split.Length()-6] City:=strsplit(city,",") City:=City.1 Return City } warndata(warnings) { for i, Warning in Warnings body .= "`n" Warning.When "`t" Warning.What "`n" ; This is not right return body }