
我在工作表中有雇员的详细信息,我将所有的数据加载到我创build的雇员类的几个对象中。 根据用户在GUI工具上select的标准,我想使用最初创build/加载的类对象显示数据。

Function loadEmpData() As Employee() Dim e() As New Employee With dataSheet no_of_emp = .Range(.Range("a4"), .Range("a4").End(xlDown)).Count ' no_of_emp = .Range(.Range("a3"), .Range("a3").End(xlDown)).Offset(1, 0).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Count ' .Range(.Range("a3"), .Range("a3").End(xlDown)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy clsTest.Range("a1") 'MsgBox no_of_emp - 1 no_of_emp = no_of_emp - 1 ReDim e(no_of_emp) As New Employee xc = 4 yc = 1 zc = 0 Do While zc <= no_of_emp e(zc).EmpID = .Cells(xc, 1).Value e(zc).Fname = .Cells(xc, 2).Value e(zc).Lname = .Cells(xc, 3).Value e(zc).Band = .Cells(xc, 6).Value e(zc).EmpTitle = .Cells(xc, 7).Value e(zc).SecondLR = .Cells(xc, 12).Value e(zc).LR = .Cells(xc, 13).Value On Error Resume Next e(zc).Acc_Know = .Cells(xc, 15).Value e(zc).Ref_Acc_Know = .Cells(xc, 16).Value e(zc).Analytic = .Cells(xc, 17).Value e(zc).Ref_Analytic = .Cells(xc, 18).Value e(zc).Sys_Know = .Cells(xc, 19).Value e(zc).Ref_Sys_Know = .Cells(xc, 20).Value e(zc).Ssigma = .Cells(xc, 21).Value e(zc).Ref_Ssigma = .Cells(xc, 22).Value e(zc).Quality_focus = .Cells(xc, 23).Value e(zc).Ref_Quality_focus = .Cells(xc, 24).Value e(zc).Risk_mgmt = .Cells(xc, 25).Value e(zc).Ref_Risk_mgmt = .Cells(xc, 26).Value e(zc).Transition_mgmt = .Cells(xc, 27).Value e(zc).Ref_Transition_mgmt = .Cells(xc, 28).Value e(zc).stakehold_orient = .Cells(xc, 29).Value e(zc).Ref_stakehold_orient = .Cells(xc, 30).Value e(zc).atten_details = .Cells(xc, 31).Value e(zc).Ref_atten_details = .Cells(xc, 32).Value e(zc).Accountability = .Cells(xc, 33).Value e(zc).Ref_Accountability = .Cells(xc, 34).Value e(zc).collab_team = .Cells(xc, 35).Value e(zc).Ref_collab_team = .Cells(xc, 36).Value e(zc).comm_skills = .Cells(xc, 37).Value e(zc).Ref_comm_skills = .Cells(xc, 38).Value e(zc).achieve_results = .Cells(xc, 39).Value e(zc).Ref_achieve_results = .Cells(xc, 40).Value e(zc).strategic_orient = .Cells(xc, 41).Value e(zc).Ref_strategic_orient = .Cells(xc, 42).Value e(zc).behaviour = .Cells(xc, 43).Value e(zc).Ref_behaviour = .Cells(xc, 44).Value e(zc).build_strong_org = .Cells(xc, 45).Value e(zc).Ref_build_strong_org = .Cells(xc, 46).Value e(zc).DFP = .Cells(xc, 49).Value On Error GoTo 0 ' clsTest.Cells(xc, 1).Value = e(zc).EmpID ' clsTest.Cells(xc, 2).Value = e(zc).Fname ' clsTest.Cells(xc, 3).Value = e(zc).Lname ' clsTest.Cells(xc, 4).Value = e(zc).FunctionGroup ' clsTest.Cells(xc, 5).Value = e(zc).ProcessGroup ' clsTest.Cells(xc, 6).Value = e(zc).Band zc = zc + 1 xc = xc + 1 Loop ' MsgBox e(12).EmpID ' MsgBox e(12).Band End With End Function 

我创build的这些对象,我想在同一个项目中使用它们。 可能吗? 我在网上search了很多东西,并没有find解决办法。


 Public EmpID As String Public Fname As String Public Lname As String Public FunctionGroup As String Public ProcessGroup As String Public Band As String Public EmpTitle As String Public SecondLR As String Public LR As String Public DFP As Integer Public Acc_Know As Integer Public Analytic As Integer Public Sys_Know As Integer Public Ssigma As Integer Public Quality_focus As Integer Public Risk_mgmt As Integer Public Transition_mgmt As Integer Public stakehold_orient As Integer Public atten_details As Integer Public Accountability As Integer Public collab_team As Integer Public comm_skills As Integer Public achieve_results As Integer Public strategic_orient As Integer Public behaviour As Integer Public build_strong_org As Integer Public Ref_Acc_Know As Integer Public Ref_Analytic As Integer Public Ref_Sys_Know As Integer Public Ref_Ssigma As Integer Public Ref_Quality_focus As Integer Public Ref_Risk_mgmt As Integer Public Ref_Transition_mgmt As Integer Public Ref_stakehold_orient As Integer Public Ref_atten_details As Integer Public Ref_Accountability As Integer Public Ref_collab_team As Integer Public Ref_comm_skills As Integer Public Ref_achieve_results As Integer Public Ref_strategic_orient As Integer Public Ref_behaviour As Integer Public Ref_build_strong_org As Integer 


远离公共汽车; 从函数传回值的数组是更好的方法。

 Function loadEmpData() As Employee() Dim e() As New Employee '... lots of code here loadEmpData = e end function 


 sub WorkWithEmployees() Dim a as long, emps() As New Employee emps = loadEmpData() for a=lbound(emps, 1) to ubound(emps, 1) debug.print emps(a).EmpID next a end sub