如何设置公式在Apache POI中有表列字段




例如,在XSSFTable TBLColumnA ,公式为: =[@[ColumnB]] ,我可以通过cell.setCellFormula("TBL[[#This Row],[ColumnB]]")ColumnA每个单元格上设置公式。 cell.setCellFormula("TBL[[#This Row],[ColumnB]]") ,但在Excel中打开时会出现问题,Excel必须删除公式才能正确显示工作表。




 ... for(int i=0; i<3; i++) { //Create column column = columns.addNewTableColumn(); column.setName("Column"); column.setId(i+1); ... 


但是填充表列标题和使用一个循环填充表单内容的整个逻辑并不能真正理解。 所以这里是一个更合适的例子:

 public class CreateTable { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { Workbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook(); XSSFSheet sheet = (XSSFSheet) wb.createSheet(); //Create XSSFTable table = sheet.createTable(); table.setDisplayName("Test"); CTTable cttable = table.getCTTable(); //Style configurations CTTableStyleInfo style = cttable.addNewTableStyleInfo(); style.setName("TableStyleMedium2"); style.setShowColumnStripes(false); style.setShowRowStripes(true); //Set which area the table should be placed in AreaReference reference = new AreaReference(new CellReference(0, 0), new CellReference(4,2)); cttable.setRef(reference.formatAsString()); cttable.setId(1); cttable.setName("Test"); cttable.setTotalsRowCount(1); CTTableColumns columns = cttable.addNewTableColumns(); columns.setCount(3); CTTableColumn column; XSSFRow row; XSSFCell cell; //Create 3 columns in table for(int i=0; i<3; i++) { column = columns.addNewTableColumn(); column.setName("Column"+i); column.setId(i+1); } //Create sheet contents for(int i=0; i<5; i++) {//Create 5 rows row = sheet.createRow(i); for(int j=0; j<3; j++) {//Create 3 cells each row cell = row.createCell(j); if(i == 0) { //first row is for column headers cell.setCellValue("Column"+j); } else if(i<4){ //next rows except last row are data rows, last row is totals row so don't put something in if (j<2) cell.setCellValue((i+1)*(j+1)); //two data columns else cell.setCellFormula("Test[[#This Row],[Column0]]*Test[[#This Row],[Column1]]"); //one formula column } } } FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream("ooxml-table.xlsx"); wb.write(fileOut); fileOut.close(); wb.close(); } }