
我正在使用abaqus,我想从Excel文件(如(X,Y,Z))读取值,我想在Excel文件本身得到一个输出。 Plz引导我,我一直在尝试,但我没有太多。

enter code here # -*- coding: mbcs -*- from part import * from material import * from section import * from assembly import * from step import * from interaction import * from load import * from mesh import * from optimization import * from job import * from sketch import * from visualization import * from connectorBehavior import * from xlrd import * file_location=('C:\Users\Lenovo\Desktop/calling.xlsx') workbook=xlrd.open_workbook(file_location) sheet=workbook.sheet_by_index(0) for col in range(sheet.ncols) sheet.cell_value(nrow,col) 



 #Import xlwings parts from xlwings import Workbook, Sheet, Range, Chart #import os import os #get workbook direction, I'm supposing it's in same folder than this script! direction=os.path.join(os.getcwd(),"activo.xlsx") #if it's not, put it yourself: #direction="yourPathToFile/yourExcelFile.xls" #open the workbook wb = Workbook(direction) #select the sheet shname=Sheet(1).name #from python to excel pythonVar="I'm writting in excel!" Range(shname,'A1',wkb=wb).value = pythonVar #from excel to python readValue=Range(shname,'A1',wkb=wb).value print readValue 
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