
我有一个单元格引用为="Dealer: " & CustomerName 。 CustomerName是一个字典引用的名字。 我怎么能只用“加工商”而不是客户的名字。




 Cells(5, 1).Characters(1, 7).Font.Bold = True 

但它似乎只能在未引用的单元格上工作。 我怎么能得到这个工作在一个参考单元格?


因此,在您的单元格中,您现在可以input= Bold(“Dealer:”)&CustomerName

确切地说 – 这只会刺激字母字符(a到z和A到Z),所有其他字母都将保持不变。 我没有在不同的平台上testing,但似乎在我的工作。 可能不支持所有字体。

  Function Bold(sIn As String) Dim sOut As String, Char As String Dim Code As Long, i As Long Dim Bytes(0 To 3) As Byte Bytes(0) = 53 Bytes(1) = 216 For i = 1 To Len(sIn) Char = Mid(sIn, i, 1) Code = Asc(Char) If (Code > 64 And Code < 91) Or (Code > 96 And Code < 123) Then Code = Code + IIf(Code > 96, 56717, 56723) Bytes(2) = Code Mod 256 Bytes(3) = Code \ 256 Char = Bytes End If sOut = sOut & Char Next i Bold = sOut End Function 



  Function Bold(ByRef sIn As String) As String ' Maps an input string to the Mathematical Bold Sans Serif characters of Unicode ' Only works for Alphanumeric charactes, will return all other characters unchanged Const ASCII_UPPER_A As Byte = &H41 Const ASCII_UPPER_Z As Byte = &H5A Const ASCII_LOWER_A As Byte = &H61 Const ASCII_LOWER_Z As Byte = &H7A Const ASCII_DIGIT_0 As Byte = &H30 Const ASCII_DIGIT_9 As Byte = &H39 Const UNICODE_SANS_BOLD_UPPER_A As Long = &H1D5D4 Const UNICODE_SANS_BOLD_LOWER_A As Long = &H1D5EE Const UNICODE_SANS_BOLD_DIGIT_0 As Long = &H1D7EC Dim sOut As String Dim Char As String Dim Code As Long Dim i As Long For i = 1 To Len(sIn) Char = Mid(sIn, i, 1) Code = AscW(Char) Select Case Code Case ASCII_UPPER_A To ASCII_UPPER_Z ' Upper Case Letter sOut = sOut & ChrWW(UNICODE_SANS_BOLD_UPPER_A + Code - ASCII_UPPER_A) Case ASCII_LOWER_A To ASCII_LOWER_Z ' Lower Case Letter sOut = sOut & ChrWW(UNICODE_SANS_BOLD_LOWER_A + Code - ASCII_LOWER_A) Case ASCII_DIGIT_0 To ASCII_DIGIT_9 ' Digit sOut = sOut & ChrWW(UNICODE_SANS_BOLD_DIGIT_0 + Code - ASCII_DIGIT_0) Case Else: ' Not available as bold, return input character sOut = sOut & Char End Select Next i Bold = sOut End Function Function ChrWW(ByRef Unicode As Long) As String ' Converts from a Unicode to a character, ' Includes the Supplementary Tables which are not normally reachable using the VBA ChrW function Const LOWEST_UNICODE As Long = &H0 '<--- Lowest value available in unicode Const HIGHEST_UNICODE As Long = &H10FFFF '<--- Highest vale available in unicode Const SUPPLEMENTARY_UNICODE As Long = &H10000 '<--- Beginning of Supplementary Tables in Unicode. Also used in conversion to UTF16 Code Units Const TEN_BITS As Long = &H400 '<--- Ten Binary Digits - equivalent to 2^10. Used in converstion to UTF16 Code Units Const HIGH_SURROGATE_CONST As Long = &HD800 '<--- Constant used in conversion from unicode to UTF16 Code Units Const LOW_SURROGATE_CONST As Long = &HDC00 '<--- Constant used in conversion from unicode to UTF16 Code Units Dim highSurrogate As Long, lowSurrogate As Long Select Case Unicode Case Is < LOWEST_UNICODE, Is > HIGHEST_UNICODE ' Input Code is not in unicode range, return null string ChrWW = vbNullString Case Is < SUPPLEMENTARY_UNICODE ' Input Code is within range of native VBA function ChrW, so use that instead ChrWW = ChrW(Unicode) Case Else ' Code is on Supplementary Planes, convert to two UTF-16 code units and convert to text using ChrW highSurrogate = HIGH_SURROGATE_CONST + ((Unicode - SUPPLEMENTARY_UNICODE) \ TEN_BITS) lowSurrogate = LOW_SURROGATE_CONST + ((Unicode - SUPPLEMENTARY_UNICODE) Mod TEN_BITS) ChrWW = ChrW(highSurrogate) & ChrW(lowSurrogate) End Select End Function 









 Cells(5, 1).Formula = "=""Dealer: "" & CustomerName" 


  • 那么最直接的方法就是

     With Cells(5, 1) .Formula = "=""Dealer: "" & CustomerName" .Value = .Value .Characters(1, 7).Font.Bold = True End With 
  • 但是您也可以使用Worksheet_Change()事件处理程序,如下所示:


     Cells(5, 1).Formula = "=""Dealer: "" & CustomerName" 


     Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) With Target If Left(.Text, 7) = "Dealer:" Then Application.EnableEvents = False '<-- prevent this macro to be fired again and again by the statement following in two rows On Error GoTo ExitSub .Value = .Value .Characters(1, 7).Font.Bold = True End If End With ExitSub: Application.EnableEvents = True '<-- get standard event handling back End Sub 

    On Error GoTo ExitSubExitSub: Application.EnableEvents = True应该不是必需的,但是当Application.EnableEvents = False id used



 ="Dealer:" & CustomerName 



在这种情况下, Worksheet_Change()子将由命名的范围值更改触发,而不是由包含公式的单元格

所以我会去检查被更改的单元格是否是valid单元格(即,对应于well known命名范围),然后使用扫描预定义范围的子单元格,并使用该命名范围的公式来查找和格式化所有单元格,如下(评论应该帮助你):

 Option Explicit Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) With Target If Not Intersect(ActiveWorkbook.Names("CustomerName").RefersToRange, Target) Is Nothing Then Application.EnableEvents = False '<-- prevent this macro to be fired again and again by the statement following in two rows On Error GoTo ExitSub FormatCells Columns(1), "CustomerName" '<-- call a specific sub that will properly format all cells of passed range that contains reference to passed "named range" name End If End With ExitSub: Application.EnableEvents = True '<-- get standard event handling back End Sub Sub FormatCells(rng As Range, strngInFormula As String) Dim f As Range Dim firstAddress As String With rng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas) '<--| reference passed range cells containg formulas only Set f = .Find(what:=strngInFormula, LookIn:=xlFormulas, lookat:=xlPart) '<--| search for the first cell in the referenced range containing the passed formula part If Not f Is Nothing Then '<--| if found firstAddress = f.Address '<--| store first found cell address Do '<--| start looping through all possible matching criteria cells f.Value = f.Value '<--| change current cell content into text resulting from its formula f.Characters(1, 7).Font.Bold = True '<--| make its first 7 characters bold Set f = .FindNext(f) '<--| search for next matching cell Loop While f.Address <> firstAddress '<--| exit loop before 'Find()' method wraps back to the first cell found End If End With End Sub 


我的理解是OP需要在单元格A5中具有公式="Dealer: " & CustomerName以粗体字显示Dealer:部分。 现在,不清楚的是公式的CustomerName部分的性质。 此解决scheme假定它对应于具有工作簿范围的Defined Name (如果不同,请告诉我)


假设我们在一个名为Report的工作表中有以下数据,那么定义名称CustomerName具有工作簿范围并且是隐藏的。 A5位于公式="Dealer: " & CustomerName图1显示了Customer 1的数据报告。



现在,如果我们将单元格E3的客户编号更改为4 ,则报表将显示所选客户的数据; 而不运行任何VBA程序。 不幸的是,单元格A5包含一个公式,其内容字体不能部分格式化,以粗体字显示“经销商:”。 图2显示了Customer 4的数据报告。




为了实现这个解决scheme,我们需要重新创build所需的输出范围,并在A5中添加一个包含到输出范围的链接的Shape 。 假设我们不希望在同一个工作表中看到这个输出范围,报告是,并且要记住, 输出范围单元不能被隐藏 ; 让我们在B2:C3另一个名为“Customers Data”的工作表中创build这个输出范围(参见图3)。 在B2 Dealer:inputDealer:并在C2input公式=Customer Name然后根据需要格式化每个单元格( B2字体粗体,如果喜欢, C3可以使用不同的字体types – 让我们将字体斜体应用于此示例)。 确保范围具有适当的宽度,以便文本不会溢出单元格。



build议为该范围创build一个Defined Name 。 下面的代码创build了名为RptDealerDefined Name

 Const kRptDealer As String = "RptDealer" 'Have this constant at the top of the Module. It is use by two procedures Sub Name_ReportDealerName_Add() 'Change Sheetname "Customers Data" and Range "B2:C2" as required With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Customers Data") .Cells(2, 2).Value = "Dealer: " .Cells(2, 2).Font.Bold = True .Cells(2, 3).Formula = "=CustomerName" 'Change as required .Cells(2, 3).Font.Italic = True With .Parent .Names.Add Name:=kRptDealer, RefersTo:=.Sheets("Customers Data").Range("B2:C2") ', _ Visible:=False 'Visible is True by Default, use False want to have the Name hidden to users .Names(kRptDealer).Comment = "Name use for Dealer\Customer picture in report" End With .Range(kRptDealer).Columns.AutoFit End With End Sub 

按照上面的准备工作,现在我们可以创build一个与名为RptDealer的输出范围相连的形状。 在工作表Report单元格A5处select,然后按照说明在图片中dynamic显示单元格区域内容,或者如果您愿意使用下面的代码添加和格式化链接的Shape

 Sub Shape_DealerPicture_Set(rCll As Range) Const kShpName As String = "_ShpDealer" Dim rSrc As Range Dim shpTrg As Shape Rem Delete Dealer Shape if present and set Dealer Source Range On Error Resume Next rCll.Worksheet.Shapes(kShpName).Delete On Error GoTo 0 Rem Set Dealer Source Range Set rSrc = ThisWorkbook.Names(kRptDealer).RefersToRange Rem Target Cell Settings & Add Picture Shape With rCll .ClearContents If .RowHeight < rSrc.RowHeight Then .RowHeight = rSrc.RowHeight If .ColumnWidth < rSrc.Cells(1).ColumnWidth + rSrc.Cells(2).ColumnWidth Then _ .ColumnWidth = rSrc.Cells(1).ColumnWidth + rSrc.Cells(2).ColumnWidth rSrc.CopyPicture .PasteSpecial Selection.Formula = rSrc.Address(External:=1) Selection.PrintObject = msoTrue Application.CutCopyMode = False Application.Goto .Cells(1) Set shpTrg = .Worksheet.Shapes(.Worksheet.Shapes.Count) End With Rem Shape Settings With shpTrg On Error Resume Next .Name = "_ShpDealer" On Error GoTo 0 .Locked = msoFalse .Fill.Visible = msoFalse .Line.Visible = msoFalse .ScaleHeight 1, msoTrue .ScaleWidth 1, msoTrue .LockAspectRatio = msoTrue .Placement = xlMoveAndSize .Locked = msoTrue End With End Sub 


 Sub DealerPicture_Apply() Dim rCll As Range Set rCll = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Report").Cells(5, 1) Call Shape_DealerPicture_Set(rCll) End Sub 


在这里输入图像说明 图4

您可以简单地获取单元格并将其放置在一个variables中,而不是引用您可以简单地追加它。 从这里您可以使用.font.boldfunction来粗体显示特定的部分。 让我们说第二页,在单元格a1中有“Dealer:”,在b1中有“Josh”。 这是一个如何完成的例子:

 Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(5, "a") = Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(1, "a") & Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(1, "b") Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(5, "a").Characters(1, 7).Font.Bold = True 'Bolds "dealer:" only. 

以下是我尝试解决与OP发布相似但不同的问题。 我认为马克R的解决scheme可能是最好的,但我认为我会分享一个解决scheme,因为它与这里的讨论有关。

在Excel中,我发现真的很烦人,回到格式化单元格中的某个特定的单词。 例如,对于特定范围内的每个实例,“pipe理”一词应该是粗体的。 或者添加子标,标号等。





 Option Explicit Option Compare Text Public Sub UpdateFormat(LookInRange As Range, _ LookForRange As Range, _ Optional SearchLeftToRight As Boolean = True, _ Optional NumberToFormat As Integer = 0) On Error GoTo ErrHand Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.EnableEvents = False Dim MyCell As Range Dim StrCell As Range Dim StrLength As Integer Dim FoundPos As Integer Dim StartPos As Integer Dim FormatCounter As Integer Dim ErrorMsg As String: ErrorMsg = "You have missed the following information:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf Dim retval 'Error checking If LookInRange Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg = ErrorMsg & "There are no cells with text in the LookInRange" & vbCrLf If LookForRange Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg = ErrorMsg & "There are no cells with text in the StrRange" & vbCrLf 'Display a message if something is missed and exit If ErrorMsg <> "You have missed the following information:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf Then MsgBox (ErrorMsg) Exit Sub End If For Each MyCell In LookInRange For Each StrCell In LookForRange StrLength = Len(StrCell) If SearchLeftToRight Then StartPos = 1 Else: StartPos = Len(MyCell.Value) 'Determine the found position FoundPos = getPosition(MyCell, StartPos, SearchLeftToRight, StrCell.Value) FormatCounter = 0 ' This is used to process track how many instances of format alterations - ', entering NumberFormat=0 means format all instances Do While FoundPos > 0 'Format the text, match the format with the LookForRange cells With StrCell.Font MyCell.Characters(FoundPos, StrLength).Font.Bold = .Bold MyCell.Characters(FoundPos, StrLength).Font.Italic = .Italic MyCell.Characters(FoundPos, StrLength).Font.Underline = .Underline MyCell.Characters(FoundPos, StrLength).Font.Color = .Color MyCell.Characters(FoundPos, StrLength).Font.Strikethrough = .Strikethrough MyCell.Characters(FoundPos, StrLength).Font.Superscript = .Superscript MyCell.Characters(FoundPos, StrLength).Font.Subscript = .Subscript MyCell.Characters(FoundPos, StrLength).Font.Name = .Name MyCell.Characters(FoundPos, StrLength).Font.Size = .Size End With 'Get new Position, allow for forward and backward searching If SearchLeftToRight Then StartPos = StrLength + FoundPos Else: StartPos = FoundPos FoundPos = getPosition(MyCell, StartPos, SearchLeftToRight, StrCell.Value) 'Exit/Number of formats If NumberToFormat > 0 Then FormatCounter = FormatCounter + 1 If FormatCounter = NumberToFormat And NumberToFormat <> 0 Then Exit Do Loop Next Next 'Clean Up Set LookInRange = Nothing Set LookForRange = Nothing Set MyCell = Nothing Set StrCell = Nothing Application.ScreenUpdating = True Application.EnableEvents = True Exit Sub ErrHand: Application.ScreenUpdating = True Application.EnableEvents = True retval = MsgBox(Err.Number & " " & Err.Description, vbCritical, "Error!") End Sub Function getPosition(ByVal MyRng As Range, _ ByVal StartPos As Integer, _ ByVal SearchLeftToRight As Boolean, _ ByVal StrToFind As String) As Integer If SearchLeftToRight Then getPosition = InStr(StartPos, MyRng.Value, StrToFind) Else getPosition = InStrRev(MyRng.Value, StrToFind, StartPos) End If End Function Sub Test() 'Parameter 1: Range Type. 'Where to Look for text replacements 'Parameter 2: Range Type. 'The Range containing the text and format of the text to replace 'Optional Parameter 3: Boolean Type. 'Search from Left to Right, set True (Default). To Search Right to left, set as False 'Optional Parameter 4: Integer Type. 'How many format alterations should be processed per cell, Default is 0 which is all instances 'Call the UpdateFormat Sub UpdateFormat Range("E1:E100"), Range("A1:A2") End Sub 



代码将更改粗体,斜体,下划线,字体,大小,颜色,SuperScript和SubScript属性以匹配A列中的那些属性。我在子例程中添加了一些其他function,例如每个单元格只处理特定数量的格式更改。 例如,如果您只想replace单元格中特定单词的第一个find的实例,则可以像这样调用子例程:

UpdateFormat Range("E1:E100"), Range("A1:A2"),, 1


UpdateFormat Range("E1:E100"), Range("A1:A2"), False, 1
