
我试图多次打印同一个工作表作为一个打印作业。 我有一个工作表,具有列IDFirstNameLastNameAge 。 我有另一个工作表,就像一个表单。 用户select一个ID,其余的列自动填充( First Name, LastName, and Age )。 我已经有了一些代码,一旦用户从下拉菜单中select了他们想要的ID,工作表会自动更新该ID的信息。 我正在试图添加一个macros将打印每个ID相同的工作表。 所以,如果我有2个ID例如:

  1. 代码将使用我现有的macros用ID1更新工作表
  2. 打印工作表
  3. 使用我的代码来更新ID2的工作表
  4. 打印工作表



 Sub PrintForms() dim myID as integer 'myID gets the last ID numer myID = sheets("CondForm").Range("A1").Value for i = 1 to myID 'this just takes the ID number from i and updates the worksheet with the data for that id call misc.UpdateSheet(i) Sheets("Data Form").PrintOut Next i End Sub 



 Sub PrintArray() Dim SheetsToPrint As String Dim MyArr() As String SheetsToPrint = "Data Table,Data Form" 'Split the string into an array MyArr = Split(SheetsToPrint, ",") ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(MyArr).PrintOut End Sub 

试试这个 – 调整原始数据 – 我在这个代码中每20行假设不同的logging。

 Sub testit() Dim ws As Worksheet, lastRow As Long, originalWS As Worksheet Dim originalRowCounter As Long, wsRowCounter As Long, numberRecords As Long Dim i As Long Application.ScreenUpdating = False Set originalWS = ActiveSheet Set ws = Sheets.Add originalRowCounter = 1 wsRowCounter = 1 originalWS.Activate ' Assume every 20 rows on originalWS has idividual record - adjust this accordingly lastRow = originalWS.Cells.Find(What:="*", After:=[A1], SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row + 1 numberRecords = lastRow / 20 For i = 1 To numberRecords originalWS.Range("A" & originalRowCounter & ":K" & (originalRowCounter + 19)).Select Selection.Copy ws.Activate ws.Range("A" & wsRowCounter).Activate ActiveSheet.Paste originalRowCounter = originalRowCounter + 20 wsRowCounter = wsRowCounter + 20 ws.Rows(wsRowCounter).PageBreak = xlPageBreakManual originalWS.Activate Next i Application.PrintCommunication = False With ws.PageSetup .FitToPagesWide = 1 .FitToPagesTall = False End With Application.PrintCommunication = True ws.PrintOut Application.DisplayAlerts = False ws.Delete Application.DisplayAlerts = True Application.ScreenUpdating = True Set originalWS = Nothing Set ws = Nothing End Sub