
我正在尝试创build一个包含每个键的集合的字典。 原因是我想稍后从相同的键检索多个值。 在这个例子中,我想要有唯一键的总值(val)以及出现次数(n):

sub update() Dim dict As Dictionary Dim coll As Collection Set dict = New Dictionary Set coll = New Collection coll.Add 100, "val" coll.Add 3, "n" dict.Add "coll", coll Debug.Print dict.item("coll")("val") Debug.Print dict.item("coll")("n") 


 dict.item("coll")("val") = dict.item("coll")("val") + 100 


如果我使用数组而不是集合,没有错误,但值不会更改。 它只适用于读取集合到variables,更改值,创build一个新的集合,从字典中删除旧的并添加新的集合。

有没有什么办法像上面的方法一样? 我也很乐意为这个任务提供另一种解决scheme。

一旦你添加了一个项目的集合,你不能轻易改变它。 这样的expression:

 coll("n") = 5 



 Sub testCol() Dim col As New VBA.Collection Call col.Add(1, "a") col("a") = 2 '<-- this line will cause Run-time error '424' End Sub 


下面是一个简单的例子,说明如何使用键[ a ]从1到2更改分配给集合的值:

 Sub testCol() Dim col As New VBA.Collection With col Call .Add(1, "a") Call .Remove("a") Call .Add(2, "a") End With End Sub 


 Sub update() Dim dict As Dictionary Dim coll As Collection Set dict = New Dictionary Set coll = New Collection coll.Add 100, "val" coll.Add 3, "n" dict.Add "coll", coll Debug.Print dict.Item("coll")("val") Debug.Print dict.Item("coll")("n") 'This works fine so far, the problem occurs when I try to update the value in the collection (object doesn't support this): Dim newValue As Variant With dict.Item("coll") newValue = .Item("val") + 100 On Error Resume Next '<---- [On Error Resume Next] to avoid error if there is no such key in this collection yet. Call .Remove("val") On Error GoTo 0 Call .Add(newValue, "val") End With End Sub 


 Sub UpdateCol(ByRef C As Collection, k As Variant, v As Variant) On Error Resume Next C.Remove k On Error GoTo 0 C.Add v, k End Sub 


 Sub Update() Dim dict As Dictionary Dim coll As Collection Set dict = New Dictionary Set coll = New Collection coll.Add 100, "val" coll.Add 3, "n" dict.Add "coll", coll Debug.Print dict.Item("coll")("val") Debug.Print dict.Item("coll")("n") UpdateCol dict.Item("coll"), "val", dict.Item("coll")("val") + 100 Debug.Print dict.Item("coll")("val") End Sub 


 100 3 200 

这是一个使用用户定义的对象(类)的方法。 好吧,你可以适应这个问题。



 Option Explicit Private pTotalVal As Long Private pCounter As Long Public Property Get TotalVal() As Long TotalVal = pTotalVal End Property Public Property Let TotalVal(Value As Long) pTotalVal = Value End Property Public Property Get Counter() As Long Counter = pCounter End Property Public Property Let Counter(Value As Long) pCounter = Value End Property 


 Option Explicit Sub Update() Dim cMS As cMyStuff, dMS As Dictionary Dim I As Long Set dMS = New Dictionary For I = 1 To 3 Set cMS = New cMyStuff With cMS .Counter = 1 .TotalVal = I * 10 If Not dMS.Exists("coll") Then dMS.Add "coll", cMS Else With dMS("coll") .TotalVal = .TotalVal + cMS.TotalVal .Counter = .Counter + 1 End With End If End With Next I With dMS("coll") Debug.Print "Total Value", .TotalVal Debug.Print "Counter", .Counter End With End Sub 


 Total Value 60 Counter 3