
我正在尝试创build一个自定义函数来计算基于Excel中单元格区域的“平均每月性能”百分比。 该函数需要忽略具有0值和string"NA"


 Function KROWPERFMEAN(rng As Range) Dim val As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim cell As Range Dim coll As Collection Set coll = New Collection i = 1 For Each cell In rng If (cell.Value <> "NA" And cell.Value <> 0) Then coll.Add cell.Value End If Next cell 


 Dim perf As Variant Dim y As Variant 'loop through collection and get perf For Each y In coll perf = perf + (coll(i) - coll(i + 1)) / coll(i) 'MsgBox (perf) '<-- both of these message boxes fire with exected #s 'MsgBox (i) i = i + 1 Next MsgBox ("This message box never fires with no errors thrown") 'assigned "1" to test, code is never reached KROWPERFMEAN = 1 End Function 


我尝试了几种解决scheme(改变ytypes,在For Each块中声明variables),但没有成功。


 perf = perf + (coll(i) - coll(i + 1)) / coll(i) 

用coll(i + 1),一旦你到达集合的末尾,那么你正试图访问一个不存在的成员。 它默默无闻的错误是“下标超出范围”。


 Function KROWPERFMEAN(rng As Range) Dim val As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim cell As Range Dim coll As Collection Set coll = New Collection i = 1 For Each cell In rng If (cell.Value <> "NA" And cell.Value <> 0) Then coll.Add cell.Value End If Next cell Dim perf As Variant Dim y As Variant 'loop through collection and get perf For Each y In coll If (i + 1 < coll.Count) Then perf = perf + (coll(i) - coll(i + 1)) / coll(i) End If i = i + 1 Next KROWPERFMEAN = perf End Function