
我有我的循环麻烦。 出于某种原因,我的循环只经过第一次迭代( i=0 ),然后停止。 这是我的代码:

 Private Sub DeleteFillerRows() Dim firstRow As Integer Dim lastRow As Integer Dim searchRange As Range Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To i = 2 If i = 0 Then lastRow = 1 End If MsgBox (i) 'used for testing, only displays the first i (0) Set searchRange = Range("A" & CStr(lastRow) & ":A1000") firstRow = searchRange.Find(What:="Name /", LookAt:=xlWhole).Row MsgBox (firstRow) lastRow = searchRange.Find(What:="Region 1", LookAt:=xlWhole).Row - 2 MsgBox (lastRow) Next i End Sub 

谁能帮我这个? 我觉得愚蠢的问一个简单的循环,但我不能看到我可能出错的地方。


For <counter> = <start> To <end>

在你的情况下, <counter>是variablesi<start>0<end>是expression式i = 2

它只执行一次的原因是因为expression式i = 2计算结果是一个Boolean ,并且它总是为false,因为循环的初始化器将其设置为0 (这是False )。


For i = 0 To (i = 2)

… …变

For i = 0 To False


For i = 0 To 0


For i = 0 to 2