


NS1234 <--- A random reference number on the first line Approve < Reject or Approve on the second line 



 Column A Column NS1234 




 Public Sub test() Dim fn As Integer fn = FreeFile Open "Z:\NS\Approval\NS32D1QR.txt" For Input As fn Dim wholeFile As String wholeFile = Input(LOF(fn), #fn) Close #fn Dim splitArray splitArray = Split(wholeFile, vbCrLf) Dim lineNum As Integer lineNum = 2 Dim i As Integer, intValueToFind As Integer intValueToFind = NS32D1QR For i = 1 To 500 ' Revise the 500 to include all of your values If Cells(i, 1).Value = intValueToFind And splitArray(lineNum - 1) = "Approve" Then Range("S" & ActiveCell.Row).Value = "Approve" End If Next i End Sub 

我不确定你在循环中做的testing,但是在我看来,在第一行的第一行没有用到循环或者在那里使用特殊variables的信息。 让我知道如果这个工作正常与否! ;)


 Sub test() With Sheets("Sheet1") For i = 2 To .Rows(.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row .Cells(i, "S") = Get_AorP(.Cells(i, "A")) Next i End With End Sub 


  Public Function Get_AorP(ByVal Value_to_Find As String) As String Dim fn As Integer, _ Txts_Folder_Path As String, _ File_Name As String, _ wholeFile As String, _ splitArray() As String, _ i As Integer On Error GoTo ErrHandler Txts_Folder_Path = "Z:\NS\Approval\" File_Name = Dir(Txts_Folder_Path & "*.txt") While File_Name <> vbNullString fn = FreeFile Open Txts_Folder_Path & File_Name For Input As fn wholeFile = Input(LOF(fn), #fn) Close #fn MsgBox File_Name splitArray = Split(wholeFile, vbCrLf) If UBound(splitArray) < 2 Or LBound(splitArray) > 1 Then 'avoid empty text files Else If InStr(1, splitArray(0), Value_to_Find) <> 0 Then If InStr(1, splitArray(1), "Approve") Then Get_AorP = "Approve" Exit Function Else If InStr(1, splitArray(1), "Reject") Then Get_AorP = "Reject" Exit Function Else 'Nothing to do End If End If Else 'not the good value End If End If File_Name = Dir() Wend Get_AorP = "No matches found" Exit Function ErrHandler: Get_AorP = "Error during the import." & vbCrLf & Err.Number & " : " & Err.Description End Function