
我正在尝试find一种方法来复制第5行中的活动单元格,并将该值粘贴到该单元格中,直到第4行为空。 我有多个工作表名称,需要为所有工作表名称完成。

With ThisWorkbook.Sheets(SheetName) Dim LastColumn As Integer Dim c2 As Integer c2 = 2 LastColumn = .UsedRange.Columns.Count Do Until IsEmpty(.Cells(4, c2).Value) If .Cells(1, c2).Value = MonthSel And .Cells(4, c2).Value = WkSel Then .Cells(5, c2).Value = RControl .Cells(5, c2).copy If .Cells(5, c2).Value <> "" Then c2 = c2 + 1 .Cells(5, c2).Paste End If End If Loop End With 

我正在使用的数据的一个示例 。




  Dim LastColumn As Integer Dim c2 As Integer Dim SourceCell As Range With ThisWorkbook.Sheets(SheetName) 'get last used column in row 4, ALTHOUGH THIS IS NOT NEEDED IN THIS CODE LastColumn = .Cells(4, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column 'loop through rest of the row c2 = 2 Do Until IsEmpty(.Cells(4, c2).Value) If .Cells(1, c2).Value = MonthSel And .Cells(4, c2).Value = WkSel Then Set SourceCell = .Cells(5, c2) End If If .Cells(5, c2).Value = "" Then 'Set the source cell for filling up empty column .Cells(5, c2).Value2 = SourceCell.Value2 End If c2 = c2 + 1 Loop End With