


Public ChangeCellList As Range Private Sub Workbook_Open() With Sheets("Program") For i = 7 To .Cells(Rows.Count, "E").End(xlUp).Row If Not IsEmpty(.Cells(i, "E")) Then If ChangeCellList Is Nothing Then Set ChangeCellList = .Range("E" & i) Else Set ChangeCellList = Union(ChangeCellList, .Range("E" & i)) End If End If Next i End With End Sub 


1)声明公共variables的正确位置(例如module1 /这个工作簿/ sheet1?)



 Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim Fill As Long Dim StartWeek As Integer Dim Duration As Integer '***Error due to ChangeCellList is nothing*** If Not Application.Intersect(ChangeCellList, Range(Target.Address)) _ Is Nothing Then With Sheets("Program") Fill = Sheets("macroData").Range("C1").Interior.Color StartWeek = InputBox("Please enter the Start Week of this Activity", "Start Week") Duration = InputBox("Please Enter the Duration of this Activity", "Duration") StartCol = StartWeek + 9 For k = 0 To Duration - 1 .Cells(Target.Row, StartCol + k).Value = 1 .Cells(Target.Row, StartCol + k).Interior.Color = Fill .Cells(Target.Row, StartCol + k).Font.Color = Fill Next k End With End If End Sub