
我一般都有关于组合的问题,但在一个相当复杂的情况下,我还没有find任何帮助。 我正在试图find一种方式来报告数据集中列的所有可能的组合。

数据报告了关于土地变化的文献调查,并指出每篇文章中报告了哪些近似和潜在的驱动因素。 因此,这些行表示单独的文章,而列则表示所有邻近和下面的驱动程序。 有六种types的接近驱动程序和五种types的基础驱动程序。 对于每篇文章,将1放置在该文章中标识的驱动程序的列中,而在驱动程序的列中则为0。 表格看起来大致如下:

key | d1 | d2 |...| d6 | i1 |...| i5 | -------------------------------------- A1 | 1 | 0 |...| 1 | 1 |...| 0 | A2 | 0 | 1 |...| 0 | 0 |...| 1 | 


我想要做的是找出报道直接驱动因素,间接驱动因素,直接驱动因素和间接驱动因素的所有可能组合的文章数量。 例如,有多less篇文章标识d1,d2和i1; 多less个确定d1,d2和i2; 等等? 我的学生在Excel文件中有表格,我想可能是Calc或Base可能有一个自动执行这个过程的function。 有没有人有一个想法,我怎么能做到这一点?


我终于放弃了,并采取了暴力的方式。 我将表格导出为文本,并将其拖入MySQL,然后使用bash脚本遍历选项。 如果其他人有类似的问题,这里是bash脚本:

  # Generate array containing factors faclis1=( d_inf d_com d_inm d_ind d_agr d_bos i_dem i_eco i_tec i_pol i_cul ); #faclis=( "d_inf" "d_com" "d_inm" ); a=0 #echo ${faclis[@]}; # Remove output file if exists if [ -e permcounts.txt ]; then rm permcounts.txt; fi; # Cycle through list of factors for f1 in ${faclis1[@]}; do # only proceed if factor not null if [ ${f1} ]; then # print remaining array just to be sure echo "factor list is ${faclis1[@]}"; #echo ${faclis[@]}; echo "Now on factor ${f1}"; echo "FACTOR ${f1}" >> permcounts.txt; mysql -u harvey -pdavid -e "select count(clave) from genfact where \ ${f1} = 1;" metamorelia >> permcounts.txt; # create sub array without current factor, 2 factors faclis2=( ${faclis1[@]/${f1}/} ); #set sub-counter b=0 #echo "${faclis2[@]}"; # loop through sub array, two factors for f2 in ${faclis2[@]}; do if [ ${f2} ] && \ [ "${f1}" != "${f2}" ]; then echo "FACTOR ${f1} \ AND ${f2}" >> permcounts.txt; mysql -u harvey -pdavid -e "select count(clave) from genfact where \ ${f1} = 1 and \ ${f2} = 1;" metamorelia >> permcounts.txt; # next sub-array faclis3=( ${faclis2[@]//${f2}} ); c=0 #echo "${faclis3[@]}"; # loop through sub-array for f3 in ${faclis3[@]}; do if [ ${f3} ] && \ [ "${f1}" != "${f3}" ] && \ [ "${f2}" != "${f3}" ]; then echo "FACTOR ${f1} \ AND ${f2} \ AND ${f3}" >> permcounts.txt; mysql -u harvey -pdavid -e "select count(clave) from genfact where \ ${f1} = 1 and \ ${f2} = 1 and \ ${f3} = 1;" metamorelia >> permcounts.txt; # next sub-array faclis4=( ${faclis3[@]//${f3}} ); d=0 #echo "${faclis4[@]}"; # loop through sub-array for f4 in ${faclis4[@]}; do if [ ${f4} ] && \ [ "${f1}" != "${f4}" ] && \ [ "${f2}" != "${f4}" ] && \ [ "${f3}" != "${f4}" ]; then echo "FACTOR ${f1} \ AND ${f2} \ AND ${f3} \ AND ${f4}" >> permcounts.txt; mysql -u harvey -pdavid -e "select count(clave) from genfact where \ ${f1} = 1 and \ ${f2} = 1 and \ ${f3} = 1 and \ ${f4} = 1;" metamorelia >> permcounts.txt; # next sub-array faclis5=( ${faclis4[@]//${f4}} ); e=0 #echo "${faclis5[@]}"; # loop through sub-array for f5 in ${faclis5[@]}; do if [ ${f5} ] && \ [ "${f1}" != "${f5}" ] && \ [ "${f2}" != "${f5}" ] && \ [ "${f3}" != "${f5}" ] && \ [ "${f4}" != "${f5}" ]; then echo "FACTOR ${f1} \ AND ${f2} \ AND ${f3} \ AND ${f4} \ AND ${f5}" >> permcounts.txt; mysql -u harvey -pdavid -e "select count(clave) from genfact where \ ${f1} = 1 and \ ${f2} = 1 and \ ${f3} = 1 and \ ${f4} = 1 and \ ${f5} = 1;" metamorelia >> permcounts.txt; # next sub-array faclis6=( ${faclis5[@]//${f5}} ); f=0 #echo "${faclis6[@]}"; # loop through sub-array for f6 in ${faclis6[@]}; do if [ ${f6} ] && \ [ "${f1}" != "${f6}" ] && \ [ "${f2}" != "${f6}" ] && \ [ "${f3}" != "${f6}" ] && \ [ "${f4}" != "${f6}" ] && \ [ "${f5}" != "${f6}" ]; then echo "FACTOR ${f1} \ AND ${f2} \ AND ${f3} \ AND ${f4} \ AND ${f5} \ AND ${f6}" >> permcounts.txt; mysql -u harvey -pdavid -e "select count(clave) from genfact where \ ${f1} = 1 and \ ${f2} = 1 and \ ${f3} = 1 and \ ${f4} = 1 and \ ${f5} = 1 and \ ${f6} = 1;" metamorelia >> permcounts.txt; # next sub-array faclis7=( ${faclis6[@]//${f6}} ); g=0 #echo "${faclis7[@]}"; # loop through sub-array for f7 in ${faclis7[@]}; do if [ ${f7} ] && \ [ "${f1}" != "${f7}" ] && \ [ "${f2}" != "${f7}" ] && \ [ "${f3}" != "${f7}" ] && \ [ "${f4}" != "${f7}" ] && \ [ "${f5}" != "${f7}" ] && \ [ "${f6}" != "${f7}" ]; then echo "FACTOR ${f1} \ AND ${f2} \ AND ${f3} \ AND ${f4} \ AND ${f5} \ AND ${f6} \ AND ${f7}" >> permcounts.txt; mysql -u harvey -pdavid -e "select count(clave) from genfact where \ ${f1} = 1 and \ ${f2} = 1 and \ ${f3} = 1 and \ ${f4} = 1 and \ ${f5} = 1 and \ ${f6} = 1 and \ ${f7} = 1;" metamorelia >> permcounts.txt; # next sub-array faclis8=( ${faclis7[@]//${f7}} ); h=0 #echo "${faclis8[@]}"; # loop through sub-array for f8 in ${faclis8[@]}; do if [ ${f8} ] && \ [ "${f1}" != "${f8}" ] && \ [ "${f2}" != "${f8}" ] && \ [ "${f3}" != "${f8}" ] && \ [ "${f4}" != "${f8}" ] && \ [ "${f5}" != "${f8}" ] && \ [ "${f6}" != "${f8}" ] && \ [ "${f7}" != "${f8}" ]; then echo "FACTOR ${f1} \ AND ${f2} \ AND ${f3} \ AND ${f4} \ AND ${f5} \ AND ${f6} \ AND ${f7} \ AND ${f8}" >> permcounts.txt; mysql -u harvey -pdavid -e "select count(clave) from genfact where \ ${f1} = 1 and \ ${f2} = 1 and \ ${f3} = 1 and \ ${f4} = 1 and \ ${f5} = 1 and \ ${f6} = 1 and \ ${f7} = 1 and \ ${f8} = 1;" metamorelia >> permcounts.txt; # next sub-array faclis9=( ${faclis8[@]//${f8}} ); i=0 #echo "${faclis9[@]}"; # loop through sub-array for f9 in ${faclis9[@]}; do if [ ${f9} ] && \ [ "${f1}" != "${f9}" ] && \ [ "${f2}" != "${f9}" ] && \ [ "${f3}" != "${f9}" ] && \ [ "${f4}" != "${f9}" ] && \ [ "${f5}" != "${f9}" ] && \ [ "${f6}" != "${f9}" ] && \ [ "${f7}" != "${f9}" ] && \ [ "${f8}" != "${f9}" ]; then echo "FACTOR ${f1} \ AND ${f2} \ AND ${f3} \ AND ${f4} \ AND ${f5} \ AND ${f6} \ AND ${f7} \ AND ${f8} \ AND ${f9}" >> permcounts.txt; mysql -u harvey -pdavid -e "select count(clave) from genfact where \ ${f1} = 1 and \ ${f2} = 1 and \ ${f3} = 1 and \ ${f4} = 1 and \ ${f5} = 1 and \ ${f6} = 1 and \ ${f7} = 1 and \ ${f8} = 1 and \ ${f9} = 1;" metamorelia >> permcounts.txt; # next sub-array faclis10=( ${faclis9[@]//${f9}} ); j=0 #echo "${faclis10[@]}"; # loop through sub-array for f10 in ${faclis10[@]}; do if [ ${f10} ] && \ [ "${f1}" != "${f10}" ] && \ [ "${f2}" != "${f10}" ] && \ [ "${f3}" != "${f10}" ] && \ [ "${f4}" != "${f10}" ] && \ [ "${f5}" != "${f10}" ] && \ [ "${f6}" != "${f10}" ] && \ [ "${f7}" != "${f10}" ] && \ [ "${f8}" != "${f10}" ] && \ [ "${f9}" != "${f10}" ]; then echo "FACTOR ${f1} \ AND ${f2} \ AND ${f3} \ AND ${f4} \ AND ${f5} \ AND ${f6} \ AND ${f7} \ AND ${f8} \ AND ${f9} \ AND ${f10}" >> permcounts.txt; mysql -u harvey -pdavid -e "select count(clave) from genfact where \ ${f1} = 1 and \ ${f2} = 1 and \ ${f3} = 1 and \ ${f4} = 1 and \ ${f5} = 1 and \ ${f6} = 1 and \ ${f7} = 1 and \ ${f8} = 1 and \ ${f9} = 1 and \ ${f10} = 1;" metamorelia >> permcounts.txt; # next sub-array faclis11=( ${faclis10[@]//${f10}} ); k=0 #echo "${faclis11[@]}"; # loop through sub-array for f11 in ${faclis11[@]}; do if [ ${f11} ] && \ [ "${f1}" != "${f11}" ] && \ [ "${f2}" != "${f11}" ] && \ [ "${f3}" != "${f11}" ] && \ [ "${f4}" != "${f11}" ] && \ [ "${f5}" != "${f11}" ] && \ [ "${f6}" != "${f11}" ] && \ [ "${f7}" != "${f11}" ] && \ [ "${f8}" != "${f11}" ] && \ [ "${f9}" != "${f11}" ] && \ [ "${f10}" != "${f11}" ]; then echo "FACTOR ${f1} \ AND ${f2} \ AND ${f3} \ AND ${f4} \ AND ${f5} \ AND ${f6} \ AND ${f7} \ AND ${f8} \ AND ${f9} \ AND ${f10} \ AND ${f11}" >> permcounts.txt; mysql -u harvey -pdavid -e "select count(clave) from genfact where \ ${f1} = 1 and \ ${f2} = 1 and \ ${f3} = 1 and \ ${f4} = 1 and \ ${f5} = 1 and \ ${f6} = 1 and \ ${f7} = 1 and \ ${f8} = 1 and \ ${f9} = 1 and \ ${f10} = 1 and \ ${f11} = 1;" metamorelia >> permcounts.txt; unset faclis11[k]; k=$((${k} + 1)); fi; done; unset faclis10[j]; j=$((${j} + 1)); fi; done; unset faclis9[i]; i=$((${i} + 1)); fi; done; unset faclis8[h]; h=$((${h} + 1)); fi; done; unset faclis7[g]; g=$((${g} + 1)); fi; done; unset faclis6[f]; f=$((${f} + 1)); fi; done; unset faclis5[e]; e=$((${e} + 1)); fi; done; unset faclis4[d]; d=$((${d} + 1)); fi; done; unset faclis3[c]; c=$((${c} + 1)); fi; done; # Remove analyzed factors from vector unset faclis2[b]; b=$((${b} + 1)); fi; done; # remove nth item from array (progressively remove one item) unset faclis1[a]; # increment n for next round a=$((${a} + 1)); echo ${n}; fi; done; 

这个脚本有点低效,我认为我包括了很多不必要的操作,但是它完成了工作。 (我想是这样的,我的学生将不得不导航输出文件,以确保一切都在那里)。