
我在每个工作簿中都有一个工作表的65个工作簿。 我需要将全部65个工作簿合并到一个工作簿中,并将所有相应的工作簿都作为新工作簿中的65个工作表。 我需要将所有65个工作簿名称保留为新的SINGLE工作簿中的工作表名称。

我有一个代码到目前为止这样做,我在网上find这个,但是这个代码要求所有的工作簿将被合并,需要打开。 有没有办法修改这段代码,以便所有的工作簿都不需要打开? 我可以参考(文件夹)我的驱动器上的位置吗?



Option Explicit Public u_sheets As String Sub Consolidate() Dim ws As Worksheet Dim wb As Workbook, NewBook As Workbook Dim scount As Integer Dim NewWS As Worksheet Dim wsSheet As Worksheet Dim i As Integer Dim NextName As String Dim sl As Integer Dim newfilepath As String newfilepath = "" Dim first_only As Boolean first_only = False Call init 'are we doing the first sheet only? If u_sheets = "First Sheet Only" Then first_only = True 'Setup Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.EnableEvents = False Application.DisplayAlerts = False 'Create new workbook for merged sheets newfilepath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Merged" 'excel will auto append the appropriate extension (xlsx) Set NewBook = Workbooks.Add NewBook.SaveAs Filename:=newfilepath i = 1 'Loop through each open workbook For Each wb In Workbooks If wb.Name <> ThisWorkbook.Name And wb.Name <> NewBook.Name And Left(wb.Name, 8) <> "PERSONAL" Then Dim x As String 'Get name of this workbook x = JustText(Left(wb.Name, Len(wb.Name) - 4)) 'count sheets in this workbook If first_only Then scount = 1 Else scount = wb.Sheets.Count End If 'Loop through each sheet in Workbook For Each ws In wb.Worksheets 'do some naming conventions Dim xy As String Dim y As String y = JustText(ws.Name) 'strip out all characters from name If scount > 1 Then xy = x + y Else xy = x End If 'check the length of the new name and shorten if needed sl = Len(xy) If sl > 30 Then xy = Right(x, sl - (sl - 30)) End If 'copy worksheet to new workbook ws.Copy After:=NewBook.Worksheets(NewBook.Worksheets.Count) 'rename worksheet NewBook.Worksheets(NewBook.Worksheets.Count).Name = xy If scount = 1 Then Exit For 'break out of loop if we are only doing one sheet Next End If Next 'remove all original worksheets 'NewBook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Delete 'NewBook.Worksheets("Sheet2").Delete 'NewBook.Worksheets("Sheet3").Delete ErrorExit: 'Cleanup Application.DisplayAlerts = True 'turn system alerts back on Application.EnableEvents = True 'turn other macros back on Application.ScreenUpdating = True 'refreshes the screen End Sub Private Function JustText(text_to_clean As String, Optional upper As Boolean = False) 'removes all characters except for letters and numbers 'where 'text_to_clean is the text to clean 'upper boolean will return UPPER case if true; false if omitted 'declare and initialize user variables Dim method As Integer 'choices: '1=remove everything except what is in the leave_these variable '2=leave everything except what is specifically removed from the "leave" section method = 1 Dim leave_these As String 'only used if method=1 leave_these = "A-Za-z0-9" 'if you want to allow a space "A-Za-z0-9 " 'declare and initialize system variables Dim temp As String temp = text_to_clean 'method Select Case method Case 1 'remove everything except what is in the leave_these variable Dim x As String, y As String, z As String, i As Long x = temp For i = 1 To Len(x) y = Mid(x, i, 1) If y Like "[" & leave_these & "]" Then z = z & y Next i temp = z Case 2 'leave everything except characters below 'feel free to comment out the lines for items you do not wish to remove, or add new lines as desired temp = Replace(temp, ",", "") 'remove commas temp = Replace(temp, " ", "") 'remove spaces temp = Replace(temp, "-", "") 'remove dashes temp = Replace(temp, ":", "") 'remove colon temp = Replace(temp, ";", "") 'remove semi-colon End Select If upper Then JustText = UCase(temp) Else JustText = temp End Function Public Function WorksheetExists(ByVal WorksheetName As String) As Boolean On Error Resume Next WorksheetExists = (Sheets(WorksheetName).Name <> "") On Error GoTo 0 End Function Private Sub init() 'initialize all public variables u_sheets = Range("u_sheets") End Sub 

是的你可以,你可以使用Dir命令来查看哪个.xls或者.xlsx或者xlsm(不pipe你的情况如何)存在于那个目录中,然后使用一个循环来使用Workbooks.Open 。打开一个,添加表单s)内的原始工作簿,closures它,然后循环到de Dir列表中的下一个工作簿。


  Dim strPath As String Dim strFile As String strPath = "C:\yourfolder\" strFile = Dir(strPath & "*.xlsx") Do Until strFile = "" ' ...YOURCODE HERE Loop 

这将代替For each wb in Workbooks中的For each wb in Workbooks ,您可以应用Set wb = Workbooks.Open strPath & strFile并仍然使用原始代码的其余部分来复制工作表。


  1. 将单个文件夹中所有Excel工作簿中的所有工作表整合到一个工作表中
  2. 将单个文件夹中所有Excel工作簿中的所有工作表分页到单个摘要工作簿中
  3. 将单个Excel工作簿中的所有工作表整理到单个摘要工作表中


 Public Sub ConsolidateSheets() Dim Wb1 As Workbook Dim Wb2 As Workbook Dim ws1 As Worksheet Dim ws2 As Worksheet Dim ws3 As Worksheet Dim rng1 As Range Dim rng2 As Range Dim rng3 As Range Dim rngArea As Range Dim lrowSpace As Long Dim lSht As Long Dim lngCalc As Long Dim lngRow As Long Dim lngCol As Long Dim X() Dim bProcessFolder As Boolean Dim bNewSheet As Boolean Dim StrPrefix Dim strFileName As String Dim strFolderName As String 'variant declaration needed for the Shell object to use a default directory Dim strDefaultFolder As Variant bProcessFolder = (MsgBox("Process a single folder (Yes)," & vbNewLine & "or single file (No)", vbYesNo, "Application Scope: Folder or single File") = vbYes) bNewSheet = (MsgBox("Extract all data to a single sheet (Yes)," & vbNewLine & "or a target file sheet for each source sheet (No)", vbYesNo, "Output Format: Single sheet or sheet by sheet collection") = vbYes) If Not bProcessFolder Then If Not bNewSheet Then MsgBox "There isn't much point creating a exact replica of your source file :)" Exit Sub End If End If 'set default directory here if needed strDefaultFolder = "C:\temp" 'If the user is collating all the sheets to a single target sheet then the row spacing 'to distinguish between different sheets can be set here lrowSpace = 1 If bProcessFolder Then strFolderName = BrowseForFolder(strDefaultFolder) 'Look for xls, xlsx, xlsm files strFileName = Dir(strFolderName & "\*.xls*") Else strFileName = Application _ .GetOpenFilename("Select file to process (*.xls*), *.xls*") End If Set Wb1 = Workbooks.Add(1) Set ws1 = Wb1.Sheets(1) If Not bNewSheet Then ws1.Range("A1:B1") = Array("workbook name", "worksheet count") 'Turn off screenupdating, events, alerts and set calculation to manual With Application .DisplayAlerts = False .EnableEvents = False .ScreenUpdating = False lngCalc = .Calculation .Calculation = xlCalculationManual End With 'set path outside the loop StrPrefix = strFolderName & IIf(bProcessFolder, "\", vbNullString) Do While Len(strFileName) > 0 'Provide progress status to user Application.StatusBar = Left("Processing " & strFolderName & "\" & strFileName, 255) 'Open each workbook in the folder of interest Set Wb2 = Workbooks.Open(StrPrefix & strFileName) If Not bNewSheet Then 'add summary details to first sheet ws1.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = Wb2.Name ws1.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Offset(0, 1) = Wb2.Sheets.Count End If For Each ws2 In Wb2.Sheets If bNewSheet Then 'All data to a single sheet 'Skip importing target sheet data if the source sheet is blank Set rng2 = ws2.Cells.Find("*", ws2.[a1], xlValues, , xlByRows, xlPrevious) If Not rng2 Is Nothing Then Set rng1 = ws1.Cells.Find("*", ws1.[a1], xlValues, , xlByRows, xlPrevious) 'Find the first blank row on the target sheet If Not rng1 Is Nothing Then Set rng3 = ws2.Range(ws2.UsedRange.Cells(1), ws2.Cells(rng2.Row, "A")) 'Ensure that the row area in the target sheet won't be exceeded If rng3.Rows.Count + rng1.Row < Rows.Count Then 'Copy the data from the used range of each source sheet to the first blank row 'of the target sheet, using the starting column address from the source sheet being copied ws2.UsedRange.Copy ws1.Cells(rng1.Row + 1 + lrowSpace, ws2.UsedRange.Cells(1).Column) Else MsgBox "Summary sheet size exceeded. Process stopped on " & vbNewLine & _ "sheet: " & ws2.Name & vbNewLine & "of" & vbNewLine & "workbook: " & Wb2.Name Wb2.Close False Exit Do End If 'colour the first of any spacer rows If lrowSpace <> 0 Then ws1.Rows(rng1.Row + 1).Interior.Color = vbGreen Else 'target sheet is empty so copy to first row ws2.UsedRange.Copy ws1.Cells(1, ws2.UsedRange.Cells(1).Column) End If End If Else 'new target sheet for each source sheet ws2.Copy after:=Wb1.Sheets(Wb1.Sheets.Count) 'Remove any links in our target sheet With Wb1.Sheets(Wb1.Sheets.Count).Cells .Copy .PasteSpecial xlPasteValues End With On Error Resume Next Wb1.Sheets(Wb1.Sheets.Count).Name = ws2.Name 'sheet name already exists in target workbook If Err.Number <> 0 Then 'Add a number to the sheet name till a unique name is derived Do lSht = lSht + 1 Set ws3 = Wb1.Sheets(ws2.Name & " " & lSht) Loop While Not ws3 Is Nothing lSht = 0 End If On Error GoTo 0 End If Next ws2 'Close the opened workbook Wb2.Close False 'Check whether to force a DO loop exit if processing a single file If bProcessFolder = False Then Exit Do strFileName = Dir Loop 'Remove any links if the user has used a target sheet If bNewSheet Then With ws1.UsedRange .Copy .Cells(1).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues .Cells(1).Activate End With Else 'Format the summary sheet if the user has created separate target sheets ws1.Activate ws1.Range("A1:B1").Font.Bold = True ws1.Columns.AutoFit End If With Application .CutCopyMode = False .DisplayAlerts = True .EnableEvents = True .ScreenUpdating = True .Calculation = lngCalc .StatusBar = vbNullString End With End Sub Function BrowseForFolder(Optional OpenAt As Variant) As Variant 'From Ken Puls as used in his vbaexpress.com article 'http://www.vbaexpress.com/kb/getarticle.php?kb_id=284 Dim ShellApp As Object 'Create a file browser window at the default folder Set ShellApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application"). _ BrowseForFolder(0, "Please choose a folder", 0, OpenAt) 'Set the folder to that selected. (On error in case cancelled) On Error Resume Next BrowseForFolder = ShellApp.self.Path On Error GoTo 0 'Destroy the Shell Application Set ShellApp = Nothing 'Check for invalid or non-entries and send to the Invalid error 'handler if found 'Valid selections can begin L: (where L is a letter) or '\\ (as in \\servername\sharename. All others are invalid Select Case Mid(BrowseForFolder, 2, 1) Case Is = ":" If Left(BrowseForFolder, 1) = ":" Then GoTo Invalid Case Is = "\" If Not Left(BrowseForFolder, 1) = "\" Then GoTo Invalid Case Else GoTo Invalid End Select Exit Function Invalid: 'If it was determined that the selection was invalid, set to False BrowseForFolder = False End Function 



