
我有两个不同的表中的数据。 Sheet1.A将包含字母数字条目“ABC123”,Sheet2.A将包含类似条目“ABC123一些文本”或“一些文本ABC123”




Sheet3.A Sheet3.B ABC123 ABC123 ABC222 ABC222 ABC333 ABC333 ABC444 ABC555 ABC666 


 Sheet3.A Sheet3.B ABC123 ABC123 ABC222 ABC222 ABC333 ABC333 ABC444 ABC444 ABC444 

另外,因为我使用了LEFT函数并且Sheet2.A中的数据可能不会像Sheet1.A那样排列,所以有些条目没有find,从而生成#N / A

我还想补充说Sheet2.A可能包含超过256个字符,这会导致索引匹配function的问题。 这个问题不是重中之重,但是如果可以解决的话,那也不错。




 Sub FindPartialString() Dim wsList As Worksheet Dim wsSearch As Worksheet Dim wsOutput As Worksheet Dim lastRow As Long Dim rngList As Range Dim rngMatch As Range Dim cl As Range Dim arrNonMatches() As Variant Dim nonMatchCount As Long Set wsList = Sheets(1) '## Modify as needed Set wsSearch = Sheets(2) '## Modify as needed Set wsOutput = Sheets(3) '## Modify as needed Set rngList = wsList.Range("A2:A5") '## Modify as needed For Each cl In rngList Set rngMatch = Nothing 'clear the container before each query 'look for a partial match: Set rngMatch = wsSearch.Cells.Find(What:=cl.Value, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt _ :=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _ False, SearchFormat:=False) 'Store the matches and non matches in separate arrays: If Not rngMatch Is Nothing Then lastRow = 1 + Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(wsOutput.Range("A:A")) 'put the searched value in column A: wsOutput.Cells(lastRow, 1) = cl.Value 'Put the found value in column B: wsOutput.Cells(lastRow, 2) = rngMatch.Value Else: 'store non-matches in an array ReDim Preserve arrNonMatches(nonMatchCount) arrNonMatches(nonMatchCount) = cl.Value nonMatchCount = nonMatchCount + 1 End If Next 'Print out the non-matches lastRow = lastRow + 1 wsOutput.Cells(lastRow, 1).Resize(UBound(arrNonMatches) + 1, 1).Value = Application.Transpose(arrNonMatches) End Sub