


我想将所有的单元格作为单独的项目存储在从Column B Row 3开始的Column B中的一维数组中。 如果一个单元格是空的,我不想存储它。

 myArr = Range("B3:" & last_non_empty_cell_in_B).Value 

在列B上使用自动Autofilter ,然后将可见单元格复制到数组中

 Sub columnB() Dim B As Range, cel As Range, i As Long, myArr With Sheet1 Set B = .Range("B3", .Cells(.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp)) B.AutoFilter 1, "<>" ' <-- autofilter out blank cells ReDim myArr(B.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Count - 1) ' <-- size the array accordingly For Each cel In B.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible) ' <-- copy cells individually to array myArr(i) = cel.Value2 i = i + 1 Next .Cells.AutoFilter ' now remove the autofilter End With ' now you have you array myArr End Sub 


 Function GetNonEmptyFromColumn(col As String, headerRow As String) As String() Dim B As Range, cel As Range, i As Long, myArr() As String With Sheet1 Set B = .Range(col & headerRow, .Cells(.Rows.Count, col).End(xlUp)) B.AutoFilter 1, "<>" ' <-- autofilter out blank cells ReDim myArr(B.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Count - 1) As String ' <-- size the array accordingly For Each cel In B.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible) ' <-- copy cells individually to array myArr(i) = cel.Value2 i = i + 1 Next .Cells.AutoFilter ' now remove the autofilter End With GetNonEmptyFromColumn = myArr ' now you have you array myArr End Function Sub Test() Dim s() As String s = GetNonEmptyFromColumn("B", 4) End Sub