
我已经写了这个代码几个星期了,它曾经工作,它花了2个小时通过我比较49个工作表进行编译,但由于某种原因,现在只是说没有回应。 我真的想尝试切换使用数组,所以如果我能再次使用它会快得多。 然而,即使在阅读了大量有关数组的post之后,我也无法想出办法,除了知道我需要使用multidimensional array并且具有不同的行大小之外。 任何人都可以提供任何build议吗? 提前致谢!

更多的信息,代码查看列e中的内容,如果列e中的其他内容匹配,则将列t中的值作为x并将它们放置在行t到x中。 如果它们的t到x是空的,它也为行e着色,或者如果在不应该的时候发现它是有颜色的,则使它再次变成白色。

Sub FindPart_FullWorkbooks() 'If searching multiple worksheets & workbooks Dim PartNumber As String Dim Found1 As Integer Dim Found2 As Boolean Dim Found3 As Boolean Dim Found4 As Boolean Dim Found5 As Boolean Dim Found6 As Boolean Dim Found7 As Boolean Dim Found8 As Boolean Dim Found9 As Boolean Dim Found10 As Boolean Dim Found11 As Boolean Dim Found12 As Boolean Dim EOS As String Dim EOSL As String Dim EOL As String Dim Replace As String Dim AddInfo As String Dim n As Long Dim m As Long Dim LastRow As Long Dim WS As Worksheet Dim WS2 As Worksheet Dim WB As Workbook Dim WB2 As Workbook For Each WB In Workbooks For Each WS In WB.Worksheets With WS LastRow = .Range("A1").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row End With For m = 1 To LastRow PartNumber = WB.Sheets(WS.Name).Cells(m, 5).Value EOS = WB.Sheets(WS.Name).Cells(m, 20).Value EOSL = WB.Sheets(WS.Name).Cells(m, 21).Value EOL = WB.Sheets(WS.Name).Cells(m, 22).Value Replace = WB.Sheets(WS.Name).Cells(m, 23).Value AddInfo = WB.Sheets(WS.Name).Cells(m, 24).Value Found2 = IsEmpty(WB.Sheets(WS.Name).Cells(m, 5).Value) Found4 = IsEmpty(WB.Sheets(WS.Name).Cells(m, 20).Value) Found5 = IsEmpty(WB.Sheets(WS.Name).Cells(m, 21).Value) Found6 = IsEmpty(WB.Sheets(WS.Name).Cells(m, 22).Value) Found7 = IsEmpty(WB.Sheets(WS.Name).Cells(m, 23).Value) Found8 = IsEmpty(WB.Sheets(WS.Name).Cells(m, 24).Value) If Found2 = True Then GoTo NextIndex Else For Each WB2 In Workbooks For Each WS2 In WB2.Worksheets For n = 1 To LastRow Found1 = InStr(WB2.Sheets(WS2.Name).Cells(n, 5).Value, PartNumber) Found3 = IsEmpty(WB2.Sheets(WS2.Name).Cells(n, 20).Value) Found9 = IsEmpty(WB2.Sheets(WS2.Name).Cells(n, 21).Value) Found10 = IsEmpty(WB2.Sheets(WS2.Name).Cells(n, 22).Value) Found11 = IsEmpty(WB2.Sheets(WS2.Name).Cells(n, 23).Value) Found12 = IsEmpty(WB2.Sheets(WS2.Name).Cells(n, 24).Value) If Found3 = True And Found9 = True And Found10 = True And Found11 = True And Found12 = True Then If Found1 = 1 Then WB2.Sheets(WS2.Name).Cells(n, 20).Value = EOS WB2.Sheets(WS2.Name).Cells(n, 21).Value = EOSL WB2.Sheets(WS2.Name).Cells(n, 22).Value = EOL WB2.Sheets(WS2.Name).Cells(n, 23).Value = Replace WB2.Sheets(WS2.Name).Cells(n, 24).Value = AddInfo End If End If Next n If Found4 = True And Found5 = True And Found6 = True And Found7 = True And Found8 = True Then WB.Sheets(WS.Name).Cells(m, 5).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 0, 255) ElseIf WB.Sheets(WS.Name).Cells(m, 5).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 0, 255) Then WB.Sheets(WS.Name).Cells(m, 5).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 255) End If 'MsgBox (WB2.Name & " " & WS2.Name) Next WS2 Next WB2 End If 'MsgBox (m) NextIndex: Next m 'MsgBox (WB.Name & " " & WS.Name) Next WS Next WB End Sub 


从性能angular度来看,您设法编写最糟糕的情况 – 完成任务所需的最大工作量。 你可能只是为了让它工作,而我正在投票的问题,因为你做出了正确的决定,寻求帮助

为了说明考虑,我们有10个文件,每个3张,每张包含1000行(部分)。 你的algorithm是循环每个文件,每个文件循环遍历每个文件(!),每个工作表和每一行:

结果:10个文件* 3张* 1,000行= 30,000个search – 与范围相互影响


  • 您可以多次覆盖所有数据,包括用空string覆盖有效数据
  • 由于InStr(),search零件号并不准确
  • 更不用说像命名约定这样的代码非常难以阅读的基本问题,而GoTo语句也没有帮助

提高性能的第一步是你想到的:转换为数组,但即使这样也不能很好地处理大量的工作,因为仍然有很多文件交互(一遍又一遍地遍历它们) ,所以下一步是优化逻辑

当转换为数组时,要理解的主要概念是数组的结构与工作表上的数据具有相同的结构 – 您可以使用行和列想象内存中的表,但列不使用字母,所以如果复制数据到内存这样做: dataArray = Sheet1.UsedRange ,你以同样的方式访问它:

  • Sheet1.UsedRange.Cells(1, 1) = A1
  • dataArray(1, 1) = A1

除了数组指数更快。 你不需要担心数组的两个维度,如果这使事情变得复杂,因为VBA在这个简单的赋值dataArray = Sheet1.UsedRange生成适当的数组,其中dataArray应该被定义为Variant

然后,在完成所有处理之后,唯一需要的额外步骤就是使用此语句将数据复制回工作表Sheet1.UsedRange = dataArray



  1. 一次将所有零件编号读入字典
  2. 第二次在所有文件中更新所有零件编号(缺lessT到X列中的细节)


 - v1: Time: 4399.262 sec (1.22 hrs) - your version - v2: Time: 770.797 sec (12.8 min) - your version converted to arrays - v3: Time: 2.684 sec - optimized logic (arrays + dictionary) 


 Public Sub FindPart_FullWorkbooks3() '----------------------------------------------- Const FR = 2 'First row, after header Dim wb1 As Workbook, wb2 As Workbook, ws1 As Worksheet, ws2 As Worksheet Dim ur1 As Variant, ur2 As Variant, info1 As String,info2 As String, updt As Boolean Dim lr1 As Long, lr2 As Long, lc1 As Long, lc2 As Long, samePart As Boolean Dim m(1 To 6), i As Byte, cel As Range, yColor As Long, nColor As Long Dim r1 As Long, c1 As Long, r2 As Long, c2 As Long, y As Range, n As Range yColor = RGB(255, 255, 255) nColor = RGB(255, 0, 0) m(1) = 5 m(2) = 20 m(3) = 21 m(4) = 22 m(5) = 23 m(6) = 24 For Each wb1 In Workbooks For Each ws1 In wb1.Worksheets ur1 = ws1.UsedRange lr1 = UBound(ur1, 1) 'last row lc1 = UBound(ur1, 2) 'last col If lc1 >= 24 Then For r1 = FR To lr1 If Len(ur1(r1, m(1))) > 0 Then info1 = ur1(r1, m(2)) & ur1(r1, m(3)) & ur1(r1, m(4)) info1 = info1 & ur1(r1, m(5)) & ur1(r1, m(6)) Set cel = ws1.Cells(r1, m(1)) If Len(info1) > 0 Then For Each wb2 In Workbooks For Each ws2 In wb2.Worksheets ur2 = ws2.UsedRange lr2 = UBound(ur2, 1) lc2 = UBound(ur2, 2) If lc2 >= 24 Then For r2 = FR To lr2 info2 = ur2(r2, m(2)) & ur2(r2, m(3)) & ur2(r2, m(4)) info2 = info2 & ur2(r2, m(5)) & ur2(r2, m(6)) samePart = InStr(ur2(r2, m(1)), ur1(r1, m(1))) = 1 If (samePart And Len(info2) = 0) Then For i = 1 To 6 ur2(r2, m(i)) = ur1(r1, m(i)) Next updt = True End If Next End If If updt Then ws2.UsedRange = ur2 updt = False End If Next Next If y Is Nothing Then Set y = cel Else Set y = Union(y, cel) Else If n Is Nothing Then Set n = cel Else Set n = Union(n, cel) End If End If Next If Not y Is Nothing Then If y.Interior.Color = nColor Then y.Interior.Color = yColor Set y = Nothing End If If Not n Is Nothing Then n.Interior.Color = nColor Set n = Nothing End If End If Next Next End Sub 


 Public Function UpdateAllParts() As Long '------------------------------------------ Const FR = 2 'First row, after header Const DELIM = "<*>" Dim wb As Workbook, ws As Worksheet, ur As Variant, i As Byte, iter As Long Dim lr As Long, lc As Long, m(1 To 6), inf As String, frst As Boolean Dim yColor As Long, nColor As Long, y As Range, n As Range, d As Dictionary Dim cel As Range, lenDelim As Long, vals As Variant, r As Long, c As Long yColor = RGB(255, 255, 255): nColor = RGB(255, 0, 0): Set d = New Dictionary m(1) = 5: m(2) = 20: m(3) = 21: m(4) = 22: m(5) = 23: m(6) = 24 lenDelim = Len(DELIM) * 4 For iter = 1 To 2 frst = iter = 1 For Each wb In Workbooks For Each ws In wb.Worksheets ur = ws.Range(ws.Cells(1), ws.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell)) lr = UBound(ur, 1): lc = UBound(ur, 2) If lc >= 24 Then For r = FR To lr If Len(ur(r, m(1))) > 0 Then If frst Then Set cel = ws.Cells(r, m(1)) inf = ur(r, m(2)) & DELIM & ur(r, m(3)) & DELIM & ur(r, m(4)) inf = inf & DELIM & ur(r, m(5)) & DELIM & ur(r, m(6)) If frst Then If Len(inf) > lenDelim Then d(ur(r, m(1))) = inf 'add all to dict If cel.Interior.Color = nColor Then If y Is Nothing Then Set y = cel Else Set y = Union(y, cel) End If Else If n Is Nothing Then Set n = cel Else Set n = Union(n, cel) End If Else If Len(inf) = lenDelim Then If d.Exists(ur(r, m(1))) Then vals = Split(d(ur(r, m(1))), DELIM) For i = 0 To 4 ur(r, m(i + 2)) = vals(i) Next End If End If End If End If Next If frst Then If Not y Is Nothing Then If y.Interior.Color = nColor Then y.Interior.Color = yColor Set y = Nothing End If If Not n Is Nothing Then n.Interior.Color = nColor Set n = Nothing End If Else ws.Range(ws.Cells(1), ws.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell)) = ur End If End If Next Next Next UpdateAllParts = d.Count End Function 


之前 – 所有文件丢失的数据:


After – 所有文件v1(您的) – 注意蓝色的logging – 无效的数据

之后 -  v1

后 – 所有文件,v2 – 与v1相同的问题,由数组实施强调

之后 -  V2

After – 所有文件,v3

之后 -  v3