
所以我试图得到所需要的分割数ND两个整数ND直到余数大于或等于0.000001 。 我不知道我错在哪里。


 Option Explicit Sub Ediv() Dim N As Integer Dim D As Integer Dim Z As Long Dim intCount As Integer With Sheets("Functions") N = Cells(16, "B").Value D = Cells(16, "C").Value If D < 1 Then MsgBox "Divisor is less than 1 enter value greater than 1" Exit Sub Else End If intCount = 0 Do While Z >= 0.000001 Z = N / D intCount = intCount + 1 N = Z Loop Cells(16, "D").Value = intCount End With End Sub 

有几个麻烦的地方。 请参阅下面的注释。

 Sub Ediv() Dim N As Double '<~~ Integers cannot be decimal numbers Dim D As Double '<~~ ^ same ^ Dim Z As Double '<~~ ^ same ^ Dim intCount As Long '<~~ might be a long count With Sheets("Functions") N = .Cells(16, "B").Value '<~~ these were Cells, not .Cells so they were not explicitly children of the Functions worksheet D = .Cells(16, "C").Value '<~~^ same ^ If D < 1 Then MsgBox "Divisor is less than 1 enter value greater than 1" Exit Sub End If intCount = 0 Z = N / D '<~~ Z was only initialized not assigned so it was zero Do While Z >= 0.000001 Z = N / D intCount = intCount - CBool(Z >= 0.000001) '<~~only increment if it will go into another loop; True is -1 in VBA. N = Z Loop 'intCount = intCount -1 'decrement by 1 if not conditionally incremented .Cells(16, "D").Value = intCount '<~~ fixed parent worksheet here as well End With End Sub