
每个月我都从我们的供应商那里下载数据,这个供应商很小,但是它的格式不容易使用查找公式。 然后,我读了一大堆单元格参考,希望他们正在寻找正确的位置。 在下面的图片中读取数据和构build数据的最好方法是什么? 我需要阅读专栏A:G一个月,然后下个月它将是A:H,但将只有有史以来最多12个月,然后构造它在我的报告中工作,如I2:K10中所示,

“位置”可能没有从供应商下载的数据。 所以地点正在改变。 另外我需要从这些小数据范围中下载大约30个小数据集合在一个更大的报告中。 此外,数据将被粘贴到自己的工作表上,并将数据粘贴到另一个表上。 我打开VBA的build议,以及只是单元格公式。



-Scheballs 在这里输入图像说明

这是引入解决scheme的答案的第2部分,包含主程序。 第3部分包含子例程。 第1部分介绍了我在解决scheme中使用的技术。

我的解决scheme要求macros的工作簿包含两个工作表:一个用于错误,一个用于整合数据。 这些工作簿的名称被定义为常量,因此可以根据需要进行更改。

我创build了一些CSV文件,我认为它们与下载的格式相匹配。 一个典型的例子是:

1 Caution: Rates Have Not Been Adjusted For Patient Mix 2 St Anthony's Hospital 3 Jan 2013 - April 2013 Location Comparison Based on 6 Locations 4 CMS Qualified HCAHPS Data from All Service Lines 5 Communications about Medications Composite Results 6 Location,Jan 2013,Feb 2013,Mar 2013,Apr 2013,Composite Rate,Percentile 7 2E,70,72.22,64.62,81.82,72.17,49th 8 2S,60,62.22,54.62,71.82,62.17,39th 9 3N,78.57,83.33,66.67,NR,76.19,74th 10 3S,50,90,50,100,72.5,56th 11 4N,88.89,75,77.27,100,85.29,85th 12 ICU/PCU,72.73,50,80,100,75.68,54th 13 14 St Anthony's Hospital,73.5,73.28,67.89,84.21,74.72,59th 15 Vendor DB % Top Box,72.29,72.86,73.58,75.17,73.48 

医院的名字是真实的,尽pipe如果他们是你感兴趣的,那是巧合。 问题是我相信是正确的。 位置和数据是虚构的。

我的代码彻底检查了一个CSV文件的格式,因为我被作者在没有警告的情况下改变了这些文件的格式。 macros观变化可能会导致macros观崩溃,但小的变化可能会被忽视几个月。

检查包括将第3行的date范围与第6行的idnividaldate相匹配。检查失败将导致错误工作表中的消息。 大多数检查只是导致该文件被拒绝。 但是,两个CSV文件具有不同的date范围是致命的错误。

我计划根据我find的数据创build合并工作表。 但是,使用绝对地址将值复制到报告工作表中,因此您不希望数据按月份移动,具体取决于CSV文件中包含的位置。 相反,我创build了一个固定的布局:


医院名称在第1栏中。名称必须与医院的第一个位置相对,但对于后续行是可选的。 毫无疑问,你会select一种风格或另一种,但我混合样式为我的testing。 此处列出的医院名称以外的CSV文件将被拒绝。

位置在第2列。除了最后一行必须是总数/平均值/摘要以外,对位置顺序没有意义。 我已经使用“总计”作为行标题,但您可以将其更改为任何内容。 不是每个在这里列出的位置都需要出现在一个CSV文件中,但如果一个CSV文件包含一个意外的位置,它将被拒绝。

问题从A3开始列出。 包含此处未列出问题的CSV文件将被拒绝。


运行macros后,工作表可能会看到这个。 差距意味着我没有该医院的testing数据/问题:



这个代码被devise成在它自己的模块中。 这段代码不依赖演示macros中的任何内容。 祝你好运。

 Option Explicit ' Constants are a convenient way of defining values that will not change ' during a run of the macro. They are particular suitable for: ' (1) Replacing numbers by meaningful name. If column 5 is used for ' names, say, using ColName instead of 5 helps document the macro. ' (2) Values that are used in several places and might change. When they ' do change, one amendment is sufficient to fully update the macro. Const ColConsolHosp As Long = 1 '\ Const ColConsolLocn As Long = 2 '| If the columns of the consolidate Const ColConsolQuestFirst As Long = 3 '| worksheet are rearranged, these Const ColConsolQuestLast As Long = 12 '/ valuesmust be ajusted to match. Const ColErrorTime As Long = 1 Const ColErrorFile As Long = 2 Const ColErrorRow As Long = 3 Const ColErrorCol As Long = 4 Const ColErrorMsg As Long = 5 Const FmtDate As String = "dmmmyy" Const FmtDateTime As String = "dmmmyy hh:mm" Const WkShtNameConsol As String = "Consolidate" '\ Change if require output to Const WkShtNameError As String = "Error" '/ different worksheets. Sub Consolidate() Dim CellValueConsol() As Variant ' Cell values from used range ' of consoldate worksheet Dim ColSrcCompositeRate As Long ' Column hold composite rate Dim ColConsolCrnt As Long Dim DateStartAll As Date Dim DateStartCrnt As Date Dim DateEndAll As Date Dim DateEndCrnt As Date Dim ErrMsg As String Dim FileCellValueSrc() As Variant ' Value of UsedRange for each CSV file Dim FileError() As Boolean ' Error state for each file Dim FileInxHosp() As Long ' Hospital for each CSV file Dim FileInxQuest() As Long ' Question for each CSV file Dim FileName() As String ' Name for each CSV file Dim FileSysObj As Object Dim FileObj As Object Dim FolderObj As Object Dim Found As Boolean Dim HospName() As Variant ' Names of hospitals Dim HospNameCrnt As String Dim InxFileCrnt As Long Dim InxFileDate As Long Dim InxHospCrnt As Long Dim InxLocnCrnt As Long Dim InxQuestCrnt As Long Dim Locn() As Variant ' Locations for each hosital Dim NumCSVFile As Long ' Number of CSV files Dim NumHosps As Long Dim NumMonthsData As Long Dim PathName As String Dim Quest As Variant ' Array of questions Dim RowConsolCrnt As Long Dim RowConsolHospFirst() As Long ' First row for each hospital ' within consolidate worksheet Dim RowConsolTemp As Long Dim RowErrorCrnt As Long Dim RowSrcCrnt As Long Dim WkBkSrc As Workbook Application.ScreenUpdating = False ' Reduces screen flash and increases speed ' Load CSV files ' ============== PathName = Application.ThisWorkbook.Path Set FileSysObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set FolderObj = FileSysObj.GetFolder(PathName) NumCSVFile = 0 ' Loop through files to count number of CSV files For Each FileObj In FolderObj.Files If LCase(Right(FileObj.Name, 4)) = ".csv" Then NumCSVFile = NumCSVFile + 1 End If Next ' Size arrays holding data per file ReDim FileCellValueSrc(1 To NumCSVFile) ReDim FileError(1 To NumCSVFile) ReDim FileInxHosp(1 To NumCSVFile) ReDim FileInxQuest(1 To NumCSVFile) ReDim FileName(1 To NumCSVFile) InxFileCrnt = 0 ' Loop through files to save names and cell values. For Each FileObj In FolderObj.Files If LCase(Right(FileObj.Name, 4)) = ".csv" Then InxFileCrnt = InxFileCrnt + 1 FileName(InxFileCrnt) = FileObj.Name Set WkBkSrc = Workbooks.Open(PathName & "\" & FileObj.Name) FileCellValueSrc(InxFileCrnt) = WkBkSrc.ActiveSheet.UsedRange WkBkSrc.Close ' Close the CSV file End If Next ' Release resources Set FileSysObj = Nothing Set FolderObj = Nothing ' Extract controlling values from consolidate worksheet ' ===================================================== With Worksheets(WkShtNameConsol) CellValueConsol = .UsedRange.Value End With 'Debug.Print UBound(CellValueConsol, 1) 'Debug.Print UBound(CellValueConsol, 2) ' This code assumes a single header row consisting of: ' Hospital Location Question1 Question2 ... ' with appropriate names in the first two columns. The cells under the ' questions will all be overwritten. ' These columns are accessed using constants. Limited variation could ' be achieved within amending the code by changing constants. ' Execution will stop at a Debug.assert statement if the expression has a ' value of False. This is an easy way of confirming the worksheet is as ' expected. If a user might change the format of the output worksheet, ' this should be replaced by a MsgBox statement. Debug.Assert CellValueConsol(1, ColConsolHosp) = "Hospital" Debug.Assert CellValueConsol(1, ColConsolLocn) = "Location" ' Count number of hospitals. ' This code assumes all locations for a hospital are together and start at ' row 2. The hospital name may be repeated or may be blank on the second and ' subsequent rows for a hospital. That is, the following is acceptable: ' HospitalA X ' HospitalA Y ' HospitalA Z ' HospitalB X ' Y ' Z ' Count number of hospitals HospNameCrnt = CellValueConsol(2, ColConsolHosp) NumHosps = 1 For RowConsolCrnt = 3 To UBound(CellValueConsol, 1) If CellValueConsol(RowConsolCrnt, ColConsolHosp) <> HospNameCrnt And _ CellValueConsol(RowConsolCrnt, ColConsolHosp) <> "" Then NumHosps = NumHosps + 1 HospNameCrnt = CellValueConsol(RowConsolCrnt, ColConsolHosp) End If Next 'Debug.Print NumHosps ' Size HospName, Locn and RowConsolHospFirst for the number of hospitals ReDim HospName(1 To NumHosps) ReDim Locn(1 To NumHosps) ReDim RowConsolHospFirst(1 To NumHosps) ' Load Hospital and Location arrays InxHospCrnt = 1 HospNameCrnt = CellValueConsol(2, ColConsolHosp) HospName(InxHospCrnt) = HospNameCrnt RowConsolHospFirst(InxHospCrnt) = 2 For RowConsolCrnt = 3 To UBound(CellValueConsol, 1) If CellValueConsol(RowConsolCrnt, ColConsolHosp) <> HospNameCrnt And _ CellValueConsol(RowConsolCrnt, ColConsolHosp) <> "" Then ' Load locations from worksheet to Location array Call ExtractSubArray(CellValueConsol, Locn(InxHospCrnt), _ RowConsolHospFirst(InxHospCrnt), ColConsolLocn, _ RowConsolCrnt - 1, ColConsolLocn) HospNameCrnt = CellValueConsol(RowConsolCrnt, ColConsolHosp) InxHospCrnt = InxHospCrnt + 1 HospName(InxHospCrnt) = HospNameCrnt RowConsolHospFirst(InxHospCrnt) = RowConsolCrnt End If Next ' Load locations for final hospital from worksheet to Location array Call ExtractSubArray(CellValueConsol, Locn(InxHospCrnt), _ RowConsolHospFirst(InxHospCrnt), ColConsolLocn, _ UBound(CellValueConsol, 1), ColConsolLocn) ' Load questions Call ExtractSubArray(CellValueConsol, Quest, _ 1, ColConsolQuestFirst, _ 1, ColConsolQuestLast) ' Clear data area of Consolidate worksheet ' ======================================= For RowConsolCrnt = 2 To UBound(CellValueConsol, 1) For ColConsolCrnt = ColConsolQuestFirst To ColConsolQuestLast CellValueConsol(RowConsolCrnt, ColConsolCrnt) = "" Next Next ' Prepare error worksheet '======================== With Worksheets(WkShtNameError) .Cells.EntireRow.Delete .Cells(1, ColErrorTime).Value = "Time" With .Cells(1, ColErrorFile) .Value = "File" .ColumnWidth = 71.71 End With With .Cells(1, ColErrorRow) .Value = "Row" .HorizontalAlignment = xlRight .ColumnWidth = 4 End With With .Cells(1, ColErrorCol) .Value = "Col" .HorizontalAlignment = xlRight .ColumnWidth = 4 End With With .Cells(1, ColErrorMsg) .Value = "Error" .ColumnWidth = 71.71 End With End With RowErrorCrnt = 1 ' Validate the CSV files and extract key information ' ================================================== InxFileDate = -1 'Date range not yet found NumMonthsData = 0 For InxFileCrnt = 1 To UBound(FileName) FileError(InxFileCrnt) = False ' No error found for this file If IsEmpty(FileCellValueSrc(InxFileCrnt)) Then ' The CSV file was empty Call RecordError(FileName(InxFileCrnt), 0, 0, _ "Empty CSV file", RowErrorCrnt) FileError(InxFileCrnt) = True ' This CSV file to be ignored ElseIf VarType(FileCellValueSrc(InxFileCrnt)) = vbString Then ' The CSV file contained a single value Call RecordError(FileName(InxFileCrnt), 0, 0, _ "CSV file contains a single string", RowErrorCrnt) FileError(InxFileCrnt) = True ' This CSV file to be ignored Else ' The only remaining format that could be returned from a range ' is an array ' Check that cells contain the values expected. ' Most checking code has been placed in subroutines. This keeps the code ' in the main routine clean and simple and allows the subroutines to be ' copied easily to new workbooks with macros performing similar tasks. ' Check Cell A1 = "Caution: Rates Have Not Been Adjusted For Patient Mix" Call CheckCellValueSingle(FileName(InxFileCrnt), _ FileCellValueSrc(InxFileCrnt), FileError(InxFileCrnt), _ 1, 1, _ "Caution: Rates Have Not Been Adjusted For Patient Mix", _ RowErrorCrnt) ' Check Cell A2 is a known hospital. Save InxHosp against file Call CheckCellValueMultiple(FileName(InxFileCrnt), _ FileCellValueSrc(InxFileCrnt), _ FileError(InxFileCrnt), 2, 1, HospName, _ FileInxHosp(InxFileCrnt), RowErrorCrnt) ' Check Cell A3 is: Date - Date Location Comparison Based on N Locations Call CheckDateRangeLocn(FileName(InxFileCrnt), _ FileCellValueSrc(InxFileCrnt), _ FileError(InxFileCrnt), 3, 1, _ DateStartCrnt, DateEndCrnt, RowErrorCrnt) ' Save DateStartCrnt and DatEndCrnt or check they are the same as the ' previously saved values If InxFileDate = -1 Then ' First set of dates DateStartAll = DateStartCrnt DateEndAll = DateEndCrnt InxFileDate = InxFileCrnt ' The first file found with these dates Else If DateStartAll = DateStartCrnt And DateEndAll = DateEndCrnt Then ' The date range for this CSV file matches those of previous files Else Call RecordError(FileName(InxFileCrnt), 3, 1, _ "**FATAL ERROR**: Date ranges do not match:" & vbLf & _ Format(DateStartAll, FmtDate) & " - " & _ Format(DateEndAll, FmtDate) & " " & _ FileName(InxFileDate) & vbLf & _ Format(DateStartCrnt, FmtDate) & " - " & _ Format(DateEndCrnt, FmtDate) & " " & _ FileName(InxFileCrnt), RowErrorCrnt) ' There are incompatible CSV files. This is a fatal error. Give up. Exit Sub End If End If ' Check Cell A4 = "CMS Qualified HCAHPS Data from All Service Lines" Call CheckCellValueSingle(FileName(InxFileCrnt), _ FileCellValueSrc(InxFileCrnt), _ FileError(InxFileCrnt), 4, 1, _ "CMS Qualified HCAHPS Data from All Service Lines", _ RowErrorCrnt) ' Check Cell A5 = Question " Composite Results" If Not CheckBound(FileCellValueSrc(InxFileCrnt), 5, 1, ErrMsg) Then Call RecordError(FileName(InxFileCrnt), 5, 1, ErrMsg, RowErrorCrnt) FileError(InxFileCrnt) = True Else FileInxQuest(InxFileCrnt) = -1 ' No match against question For InxQuestCrnt = 1 To UBound(Quest) If FileCellValueSrc(InxFileCrnt)(5, 1) = _ Quest(InxQuestCrnt) & " Composite Results" Then FileInxQuest(InxFileCrnt) = InxQuestCrnt Exit For End If Next If FileInxQuest(InxFileCrnt) = -1 Then ' No match found FileError(InxFileCrnt) = True Call RecordError(FileName(InxFileCrnt), 5, 1, """" & _ FileCellValueSrc(InxFileCrnt)(5, 1) & _ """ does not match a known question", RowErrorCrnt) End If End If ' Check cell A6 is: "Location" Call CheckCellValueSingle(FileName(InxFileCrnt), _ FileCellValueSrc(InxFileCrnt), _ FileError(InxFileCrnt), 6, 1, "Location", _ RowErrorCrnt) ' Check cells B6 to X6 are the 1st day of month ' from DateStartAll to DateEndAll Call CheckDateSequence(FileName(InxFileCrnt), _ FileCellValueSrc(InxFileCrnt), _ FileError(InxFileCrnt), 6, 2, DateStartAll, _ DateEndAll, "a", "m", RowErrorCrnt) ' Check cells Y6 is "Composite Rate" If Not FileError(InxFileCrnt) Then ' The data range is not guaranteed until the file is error free NumMonthsData = DateDiff("m", DateStartAll, DateEndAll) + 1 ColSrcCompositeRate = NumMonthsData + 2 Call CheckCellValueSingle(FileName(InxFileCrnt), _ FileCellValueSrc(InxFileCrnt), _ FileError(InxFileCrnt), 6, ColSrcCompositeRate, _ "Composite Rate", RowErrorCrnt) End If If Not FileError(InxFileCrnt) Then ' For row 7 down to the first empty column A, check column A contains ' a known location and ColSrcCompositeRate is numeric. RowSrcCrnt = 7 InxHospCrnt = FileInxHosp(InxFileCrnt) Do While True If Not CheckBound(FileCellValueSrc(InxFileCrnt), _ RowSrcCrnt, 1, ErrMsg) Then ' Row not present Call RecordError(FileName(InxFileCrnt), RowSrcCrnt, 1, _ ErrMsg, RowErrorCrnt) FileError(InxFileCrnt) = True Exit Do End If If Not CheckBound(FileCellValueSrc(InxFileCrnt), _ RowSrcCrnt, ColSrcCompositeRate, ErrMsg) Then ' Composite rate missing Call RecordError(FileName(InxFileCrnt), RowSrcCrnt, _ ColSrcCompositeRate, ErrMsg, RowErrorCrnt) FileError(InxFileCrnt) = True Exit Do ElseIf Not IsNumeric(FileCellValueSrc(InxFileCrnt)(RowSrcCrnt, _ ColSrcCompositeRate)) Then ' Composite rate is not numeric Call RecordError(FileName(InxFileCrnt), RowSrcCrnt, _ ColSrcCompositeRate, "Composite rate """ & _ FileCellValueSrc(InxFileCrnt)(RowSrcCrnt, _ ColSrcCompositeRate) & """ is not numeric", _ RowErrorCrnt) End If If FileCellValueSrc(InxFileCrnt)(RowSrcCrnt, 1) = "" Then ' End of location list within file Exit Do End If Found = False For InxLocnCrnt = 1 To UBound(Locn(InxHospCrnt)) If FileCellValueSrc(InxFileCrnt)(RowSrcCrnt, 1) = _ Locn(InxHospCrnt)(InxLocnCrnt) Then ' Location from CSV file found in list from consolidate worksheet Found = True Exit For End If Next If Not Found Then Call RecordError(FileName(InxFileCrnt), RowSrcCrnt, 1, _ "Location """ & _ FileCellValueSrc(InxFileCrnt)(RowSrcCrnt, 1) & _ """ not found in list from worksheet """ & _ WkShtNameConsol & """", RowErrorCrnt) FileError(InxFileCrnt) = True End If RowSrcCrnt = RowSrcCrnt + 1 Loop End If If Not FileError(InxFileCrnt) Then ' Row RowSrcCrnt will have a blank column 1 RowSrcCrnt = RowSrcCrnt + 1 ' Check column A is the total line for the hospital Call CheckCellValueSingle(FileName(InxFileCrnt), _ FileCellValueSrc(InxFileCrnt), _ FileError(InxFileCrnt), RowSrcCrnt, 1, _ HospName(FileInxHosp(InxFileCrnt)), _ RowErrorCrnt) If Not CheckBound(FileCellValueSrc(InxFileCrnt), _ RowSrcCrnt, ColSrcCompositeRate, ErrMsg) Then ' Composite rate missing Call RecordError(FileName(InxFileCrnt), RowSrcCrnt, _ ColSrcCompositeRate, ErrMsg, RowErrorCrnt) FileError(InxFileCrnt) = True ElseIf Not IsNumeric(FileCellValueSrc(InxFileCrnt)(RowSrcCrnt, _ ColSrcCompositeRate)) Then ' Composite rate is not numeric Call RecordError(FileName(InxFileCrnt), RowSrcCrnt, _ ColSrcCompositeRate, "Composite rate """ & _ FileCellValueSrc(InxFileCrnt)(RowSrcCrnt, _ ColSrcCompositeRate) & """ is not numeric", _ RowErrorCrnt) End If End If End If Next InxFileCrnt ' If get here there has not been a fatal error although one or more ' individual files may have been rejected. For InxFileCrnt = 1 To UBound(FileName) If Not FileError(InxFileCrnt) Then ' No error has been found in this file InxHospCrnt = FileInxHosp(InxFileCrnt) InxQuestCrnt = FileInxQuest(InxFileCrnt) ColConsolCrnt = 2 + InxQuestCrnt RowSrcCrnt = 7 ' First location row Do While True If FileCellValueSrc(InxFileCrnt)(RowSrcCrnt, 1) = "" Then ' End of location list within file Exit Do End If For InxLocnCrnt = 1 To UBound(Locn(InxHospCrnt)) If FileCellValueSrc(InxFileCrnt)(RowSrcCrnt, 1) = _ Locn(InxHospCrnt)(InxLocnCrnt) Then ' Location from CSV file found in list from consolidate worksheet RowConsolCrnt = RowConsolHospFirst(InxHospCrnt) + InxLocnCrnt - 1 CellValueConsol(RowConsolCrnt, ColConsolCrnt) = _ FileCellValueSrc(InxFileCrnt)(RowSrcCrnt, ColSrcCompositeRate) Exit For End If Next RowSrcCrnt = RowSrcCrnt + 1 Loop RowSrcCrnt = RowSrcCrnt + 1 ' Advance to hospital total line ' Assume last location row is for total RowConsolCrnt = RowConsolHospFirst(InxHospCrnt) + _ UBound(Locn(InxHospCrnt)) - 1 CellValueConsol(RowConsolCrnt, ColConsolCrnt) = _ FileCellValueSrc(InxFileCrnt)(RowSrcCrnt, ColSrcCompositeRate) End If Next ' Write new values back to consolidate worksheet ' ============================================== With Worksheets(WkShtNameConsol) .UsedRange.Value = CellValueConsol End With End Sub 

这是包含第2部分代码的子程序的第3 部分 。 第一部分介绍

 Function CheckBound(ByRef CellValue As Variant, _ ByVal RowFile As Long, ByVal ColFile As Long, _ ByRef Msg As String) ' Return True if CellValue(RowFile, ColFile) exists If RowFile > UBound(CellValue, 1) Then ' Row not present in file CheckBound = False Msg = "No such row within file" Exit Function End If If ColFile > UBound(CellValue, 2) Then ' Column not present in file CheckBound = False Msg = "No such column within file" Exit Function End If CheckBound = True End Function Sub CheckCellValueMultiple(ByRef FileNameCrnt As String, _ ByRef CellValue As Variant, _ ByRef CellError As Boolean, _ ByVal RowFile As Long, ByVal ColFile As Long, _ ByRef ValueReq() As Variant, _ ByRef InxValue As Long, _ ByRef RowErrorCrnt As Long) ' Check that a specified cell of a CSV file has one of a number of permitted ' values. ' Set CellError is True if the cell does not have any of the permitted ' required value. ' CellError is unchanged if the cell does have the required value. This means ' that several calls can be made to perform different checks and any failure ' will result in CellValue ending with a value of True. ' FileNameCrnt The name of the current file. Used in error message if any. ' CellValue The array of cell contents from the current file. ' CellError Set to True if an error is found. ' RowFile The row to be checked ' ColFile The column to be checked ' ValueReq An array containing all permitted values for the cell. ' InxValue If the cell value is matched against one of the permitted ' values, the index into ValueReq of that permitted value. ' RowErrorCrnt The last used row of the error worksheet. Any error message ' will be written to the next row. Dim CellValueCrnt As Variant Dim ErrMsg As String If Not CheckBound(CellValue, RowFile, ColFile, ErrMsg) Then Call RecordError(FileNameCrnt, RowFile, ColFile, ErrMsg, RowErrorCrnt) CellError = True Exit Sub End If CellValueCrnt = CellValue(RowFile, ColFile) For InxValue = LBound(ValueReq) To UBound(ValueReq) If CellValueCrnt = ValueReq(InxValue) Then ' Cell value matched against a permitted value Exit Sub End If Next Call RecordError(FileNameCrnt, RowFile, ColFile, _ """" & CellValue(RowFile, ColFile) & _ """ not matched against any of the permitted values", _ RowErrorCrnt) CellError = True End Sub Sub CheckCellValueSingle(ByRef FileNameCrnt As String, _ ByRef CellValue As Variant, _ ByRef CellError As Boolean, _ ByVal RowFile As Long, ByVal ColFile As Long, _ ByVal ValueReq As String, ByRef RowErrorCrnt As Long) ' Check that a specified cell of a CSV file has a required value. ' Set CellError is True if the cell does not have the required value. ' CellError is unchanged if the cell does have the required value. This means ' that several calls can be made to perform different checks and any failure ' will result in CellValue ending with a value of True. ' FileNameCrnt The name of the current file. Used in error message if any. ' CellValue The array of cell contents from the current file. ' CellError Set to True if an error is found. ' RowFile The row to be checked ' ColFile The column to be checked ' ValueReq The required value for the cell ' RowErrorCrnt The last used row of the error worksheet. Any error message ' will be written to the next row. Dim ErrMsg As String If Not CheckBound(CellValue, RowFile, ColFile, ErrMsg) Then Call RecordError(FileNameCrnt, RowFile, ColFile, ErrMsg, RowErrorCrnt) CellError = True Exit Sub End If If CellValue(RowFile, ColFile) = ValueReq Then ' Required value found Exit Sub End If Call RecordError(FileNameCrnt, RowFile, ColFile, """" & ValueReq & _ """ expected but """ & CellValue(RowFile, ColFile) _ & """ found", RowErrorCrnt) CellError = True End Sub Sub CheckDateRangeLocn(ByVal FileNameCrnt As String, _ ByRef CellValue As Variant, _ ByRef CellError As Boolean, ByVal RowFile As Long, _ ByVal ColFile As Long, ByRef DateStart As Date, _ ByRef DateEnd As Date, ByRef RowErrorCrnt As Long) ' Check a specified cell of a CSV file has the format: ' Date "-" Date "Location Comparison Based on" N "Locations" ' Set CellError = True if the cell does not have this value. ' The values of DateStartCrnt and DateEndCrnt are not defined ' if CellError is set to True, ' Note: the value of N is not returned ' FileNameCrnt The name of the current file. Used in error message if any. ' CellValue The array of cell contents from the current file. ' CellError Set to True if an error is found. ' RowFile The row to be checked ' ColFile The column to be checked ' DateStartCrnt The value of the first date. Only guaranteed if CellError ' not set to True ' DateEndCrnt The value of the last date. Only guaranteed if CellError ' not set to True ' RowErrorCrnt The last used row of the error worksheet. Any error message ' will be written to the next row. Dim ErrMsg As String Dim Pos As Long Dim Stg As String If Not CheckBound(CellValue, RowFile, ColFile, ErrMsg) Then Call RecordError(FileNameCrnt, RowFile, ColFile, ErrMsg, RowErrorCrnt) CellError = True Exit Sub End If Stg = CellValue(3, 1) Pos = InStr(1, Stg, "-") If Pos = 0 Then ' No hypen in string. CellError = True Exit Sub End If If Not IsDate(Mid(Stg, 1, Pos - 1)) Then ' Value before hyphen is not a date CellError = True Exit Sub End If DateStart = DateValue(Mid(Stg, 1, Pos - 1)) Stg = Mid(Stg, Pos + 1) Pos = InStr(1, Stg, "Location Comparison Based on") If Pos = 0 Then ' Important sub-string missing CellError = True Exit Sub End If If Not IsDate(Mid(Stg, 1, Pos - 1)) Then ' Value after hyphen is not a date CellError = True Exit Sub End If DateEnd = DateValue(Mid(Stg, 1, Pos - 1)) Stg = Mid(Stg, Pos + Len("Location Comparison Based on")) If Not Right(Stg, Len("Locations")) = "Locations" Then ' Important sub-string missing CellError = True Exit Sub End If Stg = Mid(Stg, 1, Len(Stg) - Len("Locations")) If Not IsNumeric(Stg) Then ' N is not numeric CellError = True Exit Sub End If ' CellError unchanged. DateStart and DateEnd set End Sub Sub CheckDateSequence(ByVal FileNameCrnt As String, _ ByRef CellValue As Variant, ByRef RangeError As Boolean, _ ByVal RowFileStart As Long, ByVal ColFileStart As Long, _ ByVal DateStart As Date, ByVal DateEnd As Date, _ ByVal Direction As String, ByVal Interval As String, _ ByRef RowErrorCrnt As Long) ' Check a sequence of cells to hold a sequence of dates. ' FileNameCrnt The name of the current file. Used in error message if any. ' CellValue An array of cell contents from the current file. ' RangeError Set to True if an error is found. ' RowFileStart \ Identify the first cell of the sequence ' ColFileStart / ' DateStart The value of the first date in the sequence. ' DateEnd The value of the last date in the sequence. ' Direction Permitted values are "a" for across and "d" for down. ' Interval Permitted values are as for the Interval parameter of the ' function DateAdd. Each cell in the sequence must be one ' date interval more than the previous cell until DateEnd is ' reached. ' RowErrorCrnt The last used row of the error worksheet. Any error message ' will be written to the next row. Dim ColFileCrnt As Long Dim DateCrnt As Date Dim DateTemp As Date Dim ErrMsg As String Dim RowFileCrnt As Long DateCrnt = DateStart RowFileCrnt = RowFileStart ColFileCrnt = ColFileStart Do While True If Not CheckBound(CellValue, RowFileCrnt, ColFileCrnt, ErrMsg) Then Call RecordError(FileNameCrnt, RowFileCrnt, _ ColFileCrnt, ErrMsg, RowErrorCrnt) RangeError = True Exit Sub End If If Not IsDate(CellValue(RowFileCrnt, ColFileCrnt)) Then ' Value is not a date nor is it a string that can be converted to a date Call RecordError(FileNameCrnt, RowFileCrnt, ColFileCrnt, _ "Value should be """ & Format(DateCrnt, FmtDate) & _ """ but found """ & CellValue(RowFileCrnt, ColFileCrnt) _ & """", RowErrorCrnt) RangeError = True Exit Sub End If DateTemp = DateValue(CellValue(RowFileCrnt, ColFileCrnt)) If DateTemp = DateCrnt Then ' Cell has expected value Else ' Cell does not have the expected value ' Excel corrupts "mmm-yy" to Day=yy, Month=mmm, Year=Current year DateTemp = DateSerial(Day(DateTemp), Month(DateTemp), 1) If DateTemp = DateCrnt Then ' Decorrupted value is the expected value ' Correct worksheet CellValue(RowFileCrnt, ColFileCrnt) = DateTemp Else Call RecordError(FileNameCrnt, RowFileCrnt, ColFileCrnt, _ "Value should be """ & Format(DateCrnt, FmtDate) & _ """ but found """ & CellValue(RowFileCrnt, ColFileCrnt) _ & """", RowErrorCrnt) RangeError = True Exit Sub End If End If If DateCrnt = DateEnd Then ' Successful check. Leave RangeError unchanged. Exit Sub End If DateCrnt = DateAdd(Interval, 1, DateCrnt) If Direction = "a" Then ColFileCrnt = ColFileCrnt + 1 ElseIf Direction = "d" Then RowFileCrnt = RowFileCrnt + 1 Else Debug.Assert False ' Invalid value. Only "a" or "d" allowed End If Loop End Sub Sub ExtractSubArray(ByRef ArraySrc() As Variant, ByRef ArrayDest As Variant, _ ByVal RowSrcTop As Long, ByVal ColSrcLeft As Long, _ ByVal RowSrcBot As Long, ByVal ColSrcRight As Long) ' ArraySrc An array loaded from a worksheet ' ArrayDest A variant which will be set to an array to which selected ' entries from ArraySrc are to be copied. If either ' RowTop = RowBot or Colleft = ColRight it will be a 1D array. ' Otherwise it will be a 2D array with rows as the first ' dimension. ' RowSrcTop \ Specify the rectangle to be extracted from ArraySrc. ' ColSrcLeft | ' RowSrcBot | It is the callers responsibility to ensure the ' ColSrcRight / these values are valid indices for ArraySrc. Dim ArrayDestLocal() As Variant Dim ColDestCrnt As Long Dim ColSrcCrnt As Long Dim NumColsDest As Long Dim NumRowsDest As Long Dim RowDestCrnt As Long Dim RowSrcCrnt As Long NumColsDest = ColSrcRight - ColSrcLeft + 1 NumRowsDest = RowSrcBot - RowSrcTop + 1 If NumColsDest = 1 Then ' The selected rectangle is a column ReDim ArrayDestLocal(1 To NumRowsDest) RowDestCrnt = 1 For RowSrcCrnt = RowSrcTop To RowSrcBot ArrayDestLocal(RowDestCrnt) = ArraySrc(RowSrcCrnt, ColSrcLeft) RowDestCrnt = RowDestCrnt + 1 Next ArrayDest = ArrayDestLocal ElseIf NumRowsDest = 1 Then ' The selected rectangle is a row ReDim ArrayDestLocal(1 To NumColsDest) ColDestCrnt = 1 For ColSrcCrnt = ColSrcLeft To ColSrcRight ArrayDestLocal(ColDestCrnt) = ArraySrc(RowSrcTop, ColSrcCrnt) ColDestCrnt = ColDestCrnt + 1 Next ArrayDest = ArrayDestLocal Else ' The selected rectangle is a rectangle ReDim ArrayDestLocal(1 To NumRowsDest, 1 To NumColsDest) RowDestCrnt = 1 For RowSrcCrnt = RowSrcTop To RowSrcBot ColDestCrnt = 1 For ColSrcCrnt = ColSrcLeft To ColSrcRight ArrayDestLocal(RowDestCrnt, ColDestCrnt) = _ ArraySrc(RowSrcCrnt, ColSrcCrnt) ColDestCrnt = ColDestCrnt + 1 Next RowDestCrnt = RowDestCrnt + 1 Next ArrayDest = ArrayDestLocal End If End Sub Sub RecordError(ByRef FileName As String, ByRef RowFile As Long, _ ByRef ColFile As Long, ByRef Msg As String, _ ByRef RowError As Long) ' Outputs an error to the error worksheet Debug.Assert Not IsNumeric(FileName) With Worksheets(WkShtNameError) RowError = RowError + 1 With .Cells(RowError, ColErrorTime) .Value = Now() .NumberFormat = FmtDateTime End With .Cells(RowError, ColErrorFile).Value = FileName If RowFile <> 0 Then .Cells(RowError, ColErrorRow).Value = RowFile If ColFile <> 0 Then .Cells(RowError, ColErrorCol).Value = ColFile With .Cells(RowError, ColErrorMsg) .Value = Msg .WrapText = True End With End With End Sub 

这是答案的第一部分,介绍了解决scheme所需的技术,但可能不适用于VBA新手。 解决scheme的主要例程在第2部分及其第3部分的子例程中。

这个问题没有完全描述这个问题。 第一步是从远程站点下载40个CSV文件。 稍后将不会尝试自动化该步骤。 第二步是识别已经下载到包含数据将写入的工作簿的文件夹中的CSV文件。

创build一个新的Excel工作簿,打开Visual Basic编辑器,创build一个模块并将此代码复制到该模块。 macrosDemo01列出与工作簿在同一文件夹中的文件的名称。

 ' Option Explicit means every variable must be defined ' If omitted a misspelt variable become a declaration. For example: ' Dim Count As Long ' Cuont = Count + 1 ' declares a new variable Cuont and sets its value to Count+1. Such ' errors can be very difficult to spot. With Option Explicit, the ' compiler reports that Cuont is undefined. Option Explicit Sub Demo01() Dim Fl As Object Dim FlSysObj As Object Dim FldObj As Object ' When assigning a value to an object, you must have "Set" ' at the beginning of the statement ' This creates a file system object which gives you access to the file system Set FlSysObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") ' This creates a folder object which gives access to all properties of the folder ' includes details of the files within it. Set FldObj = FlSysObj.GetFolder(Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path) ' Loop for each file in the folder and output its name to the Immediate Window For Each Fl In FldObj.Files Debug.Print Fl.Name Next End Sub 

We now need to ignore non-CSV files and to open the CSV files so we can access their contents.

Copy and paste the following macro, Demo02 , to the same module as Demo01 and run it. Macro Demo02 opens every CSV file and outputs identifying information to the Immediate Window to prove it has done so.

 Sub Demo02() Dim Fl As Object Dim FlSysObj As Object Dim FldObj As Object Dim PathName As String Dim WkBkSrc As Workbook PathName = Application.ThisWorkbook.Path Set FlSysObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set FldObj = FlSysObj.GetFolder(PathName) For Each Fl In FldObj.Files ' I only want to load the CSV files so check the extension If LCase(Right(Fl.Name, 4)) = ".csv" Then ' There should be some error handling here to ensure the macro does not ' stop if a file fails to open. However, Excel's ability to open any old ' junk as a workbook never ceases to amaze me so for the sake of ' simplicity I have omitted it. If you do experience errors, consider ' something like this: ' Err.Clear ' Clear any record of previous error ' On Error Resume Next ' Continue if error ' Set WkBkSrc = Workbooks.Open(PathName & "\" & Fl.Name) ' On Error GoTo 0 ' Revert to normal error processing ' If Err.Number = 0 Then ' Debug.Print Fl.Name & " loaded successfully" ' Else ' Debug.Print Fl.Name & " failed to load." ' Debug.Print "Error Number = "; Err.Number & _ ' " Description = " & Err.Description ' End If Set WkBkSrc = Workbooks.Open(PathName & "\" & Fl.Name) ' The CSV file will be in the active worksheet of the active workbook ' If I understand your screen shot, columns 1 of rows 2 and 3 are the ' hospital name and the date range. The sole purpose of this debug ' print statement is to output something unique from each CSV file ' to prove each has been loaded. Change this statement as necessary ' if I have misunderstood the arrangement of the CSV files. Debug.Print Fl.Name & ": " & Cells(2, 1).Value & " " & Cells(3, 1).Value WkBkSrc.Close ' Close the CSV file ' The original workbook is again the active workbook. End If Next End Sub 

Having successfully read the CSV files into memory, it would appear the next step would be to locate and extract the required data ready for transfer to the destination. However, there is a prior step.

Before locating and extracting data, it is essential to check that the files are what you think they are. Attempting to process the wrong file will probably result in a crash when a value assumed to be a number is in fact a string. This will be embarrassing if others see it but will not be a disaster. What you must check for are subtle changes in the format that the author has forgotten to tell you about. An extra column or a change in sequence leading to extraction of the wrong data can go unnoticed for months and be very difficult to correct. Archiving all intermediate workbooks and all CSV files may allow you to recode and repeat the updates to create the correct current workbook but can you undo any decisions based on the faulty data?

All this checking, locating, extracting and storing requires that you consider how best to access the data. You can access the data in the loaded worksheet directly at the level of the single cell or the range. However, this can be slow. The volumes you are processing may mean this is not too important. However, even if performance is not an issue, moving data from one worksheet can get messy. I have decided to introduce more advanced techniques since there will be useful for future projects if not for this.

Variants can hold anything and the nature of their contents can be changed. The following is valid if not very sensible VBA:

 Dim MyValue as Variant MyValue = 5 MyValue = "String" MyValue = Array("abc", 10, "def", 12) 

More interestingly, you can do the following:

 MyValue = Range1.Value 

This will size MyValue as a 2D array just big enough to hold every value in Range1 and copy those values to MyValue. Accessing the cell values from memory is much faster than accessing them from the worksheet. The opposite is also possible:

  Range2.Value = DestValue 

This means, you can build up the data you wish to save in memory and then write it to the required range in a single statement.

It is conventional with 2D arrays to have columns as the first dimension and rows as the second. However, arrays created from a range are the opposite with rows as the first dimension. This may seem strange but matches the syntax for accessing worksheets:

  Cells(Row, Col).Value = 5 ' worksheet cell MyValue(Row, Col) = 5 ' array cell 

It is easy and convenient to load a single worksheet to a variant but I really need to load all the CSV files to memory before processing them.

 Dim CellValueSrc() As Variant ' Define an array of variants ReDim CellValue(1 to CountCSVFile) ' Define the size of CellValueSrc ' UsedRange is a property of a worksheet so this loads the used part of ' the active worksheet (the CSV file) to CellValue(InxFile) CellValue(InxFile) = WkBkSrc.ActiveSheet.UsedRange 

The above statements are taken from macro Demo03 . Instead of loading a worksheet to a variant, I have defined an array of variants and have then loaded each worksheet to a different element.

This is know as a jagged array. Not all languages have this functionality and it can be difficult to get one's head around the idea. I have designed macro Demo03 to demonstrate their use. I first load all the worksheets to elements of a jagged array then copy the cell values to a new array and load that array to a new worksheet. Run Demo03 to see what it does then work through the code to see how it achieves this effect. Warning: the macro overwrite worksheet "Sheet1". A comment near the bottom of the macro tells you what to change if this is unacceptable.

 Sub Demo03() Dim CellValueDest() As Variant Dim CellValueSrc() As Variant Dim ColCrntSrc As Long Dim CountCell As Long Dim CountCSVFile As Long Dim Fl As Object Dim FlName() As String Dim FlSysObj As Object Dim FldObj As Object Dim InxFile As Long Dim PathName As String Dim RowCrntDest As Long Dim RowCrntSrc As Long Dim WkBkSrc As Workbook PathName = Application.ThisWorkbook.Path Set FlSysObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set FldObj = FlSysObj.GetFolder(PathName) CountCSVFile = 0 ' Loop through files to count number of CSv files For Each Fl In FldObj.Files If LCase(Right(Fl.Name, 4)) = ".csv" Then CountCSVFile = CountCSVFile + 1 End If Next ' It is possible to use ReDim Preserve to enlarge an array. ' However, there is a lot of work behind a ReDim Preserve so ' I avoid them if I can. ' You can omit the lower bound but that means the lower bound depends of ' the Option Base statement. I prefer to be explicit. I also prefer ' lower bounds of 1 for most purposes. Many do not agree and most languages ' do not give the programmer a choice. My code so my choice. ReDim CellValueSrc(1 To CountCSVFile) ReDim FlName(1 To CountCSVFile) InxFile = 0 CountCell = 0 ' Loop through files to save names and cell values. ' Count number of cells at same time For Each Fl In FldObj.Files If LCase(Right(Fl.Name, 4)) = ".csv" Then InxFile = InxFile + 1 FlName(InxFile) = Fl.Name Set WkBkSrc = Workbooks.Open(PathName & "\" & Fl.Name) CellValueSrc(InxFile) = WkBkSrc.ActiveSheet.UsedRange If IsEmpty(CellValueSrc(InxFile)) Then ' The worksheet is empty ' Count as one cell CountCell = CountCell + 1 Else ' UBound(A,N) returns the upper bound of the Nth dimension of array A. ' An array loaded from a worksheet will always have lower bounds of 1. CountCell = CountCell + UBound(CellValueSrc(InxFile), 1) * _ UBound(CellValueSrc(InxFile), 2) End If WkBkSrc.Close ' Close the CSV file End If Next ' Release resources Set FlSysObj = Nothing Set FldObj = Nothing ' Prepare to create an output worksheet containing all the data loaded ReDim CellValueDest(1 To CountCell + 1, 1 To 4) CellValueDest(1, 1) = "File" CellValueDest(1, 2) = "Row" CellValueDest(1, 3) = "Column" CellValueDest(1, 4) = "Value" RowCrntDest = 1 For InxFile = 1 To UBound(FlName) If IsEmpty(CellValueSrc(InxFile)) Then RowCrntDest = RowCrntDest + 1 CellValueDest(RowCrntDest, 1) = FlName(InxFile) CellValueDest(RowCrntDest, 4) = "Empty CSV file" Else For RowCrntSrc = 1 To UBound(CellValueSrc(InxFile), 1) For ColCrntSrc = 1 To UBound(CellValueSrc(InxFile), 2) RowCrntDest = RowCrntDest + 1 CellValueDest(RowCrntDest, 1) = FlName(InxFile) CellValueDest(RowCrntDest, 2) = RowCrntSrc CellValueDest(RowCrntDest, 3) = ColCrntSrc ' Note the syntax for accessing cell value. ' CellValueSrc is a 1D array so CellValueSrc(InxFile) accessing ' an element within it. CellValueSrc(InxFile) is a 2D array so ' CellValueSrc(InxFile)(RowCrntSrc, ColCrntSrc) accessing an element ' within it. CellValueDest(RowCrntDest, 4) = _ CellValueSrc(InxFile)(RowCrntSrc, ColCrntSrc) Next Next End If Next ' #### This assumes that the workbook contains a worksheet "Sheet1" and that ' #### I can overwrite that worksheet. Change as necessary. With Worksheets("Sheet1") .Cells.EntireRow.Delete ' Delete any existing data ' Note that you have to specify the size of the output range. ' If the output range is not the same size as the array, the array will ' be truncated or repeated. .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(CountCell + 1, 4)).Value = CellValueDest .Columns(4).AutoFit End With End Sub