
我有一个目录“文件夹”与这个目录内的许多子目录。 每个子目录里面都有很多图片。 我想遍历“文件夹”目录中的子目录,然后遍历每个目录中的所有图像,将图像导出到Excel中,并将每个子目录中的图像导出到一个Excel工作表中。



public void ExportToExcel() { //for export ExcelPackage objExcelPackage = new ExcelPackage(); //create new workbook string[] filesindirectory = Directory.GetDirectories(Server.MapPath("~/Folder")); int count = 0; int count1 = 0; int x = 25; int finalValue = 0; foreach (string subdir in filesindirectory) { count++; ExcelWorksheet ws = objExcelPackage.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Worksheet" + count); //create new worksheet foreach (string img in Directory.GetFiles(subdir)) { count1++; System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image TEST_IMAGE = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image(); System.Drawing.Image myImage = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(img); var pic = ws.Drawings.AddPicture(count1.ToString(), myImage); // Row, RowoffsetPixel, Column, ColumnOffSetPixel if (count1 > 1) { pic.SetPosition(finalValue, 0, 2, 0); finalValue += (x + 1); // Add 1 to have 1 row of empty row } else { pic.SetPosition(count1, 0, 2, 0); finalValue = (count1 + x) + 1; // Add 1 to have 1 row of empty } } } var filepath = new FileInfo(@"C:\Users\user\Desktop\Test\" + datetime.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy_hh-mm-ss") + ".xlsx"); objExcelPackage.SaveAs(filepath); } 


Janne Matikainen的答案是正确的,但你需要知道如何修改你的代码…


  string[] filesindirectory = Directory.GetFiles(Server.MapPath("~/Folder")); 

  string[] filesindirectory = Directory.GetDirectories(Server.MapPath("~/Folder")); 


 foreach (string subdir in filesindirectory) 



 foreach (string img in Directory.GetFiles(subdir)) 


 foreach (string img in Directory.GetFiles(subdir)) { // Your Code } // Reset the Count1 count1 = 0; 



 string[] splitter = subdir.Split('\\'); string folderName = splitter[splitter.Length - 1]; 


这应该列出从C:\ Images开始的所有文件,并遍历所有的子目录及其子目录。

 public void ExportToExcel() { //for export var objExcelPackage = new ExcelPackage(); //create new workbook this.ListFiles(objExcelPackage, 0, Server.MapPath("~/Folder")); var filepath = new FileInfo(@"C:\Users\user\Desktop\Test\" + datetime.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy_hh-mm-ss") + ".xlsx"); objExcelPackage.SaveAs(filepath); } public void ListFiles(ExcelPackage objExcelPackage, int worksheetIndex, string path) { var imageCount = 0; var x = 25; var finalValue = 0; var files = Directory.GetFiles(path).Select(s => new FileInfo(s)); if (files.Any()) { //create new worksheet var ws = objExcelPackage.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Worksheet" + (++worksheetIndex)); foreach (var file in files) { imageCount++; var TEST_IMAGE = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image(); var myImage = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(img); var pic = ws.Drawings.AddPicture(imageCount.ToString(), myImage); // Row, RowoffsetPixel, Column, ColumnOffSetPixel if (imageCount > 1) { pic.SetPosition(finalValue, 0, 2, 0); finalValue += (x + 1); // Add 1 to have 1 row of empty row } else { pic.SetPosition(imageCount, 0, 2, 0); finalValue = (imageCount + x) + 1; // Add 1 to have 1 row of empty } } } foreach (var dir in Directory.GetDirectories(path)) { this.ListFiles(objExcelPackage, worksheetIndex, dir); } } 


 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; class Program { private static void Main(string[] args) { try { string dirPath = @"\\archives\2009\reports"; List<string> dirs = new List<string>(Directory.EnumerateDirectories(dirPath)); foreach (var dir in dirs) { Console.WriteLine("{0}", dir.Substring(dir.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1)); } Console.WriteLine("{0} directories found.", dirs.Count); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException UAEx) { Console.WriteLine(UAEx.Message); } catch (PathTooLongException PathEx) { Console.WriteLine(PathEx.Message); } } } 


 public interface IExcelWorksheetAdapter { //todo: implement this method, here you have everything you need for an image file void AddPicture(FileSystemItem aFile); } public class FileSystemItem { public virtual string FullPath { get; protected set; } public virtual int Level { get; set; } public virtual string Name { get { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(FullPath)) return string.Empty; return FullPath.Split('\\').Last(); } } public virtual void Operation(IExcelWorksheetAdapter ws) { } } public class FolderItem : FileSystemItem { public FolderItem(string fullPath) { Items = new List<FileSystemItem>(); if (!Directory.Exists(fullPath)) return; FullPath = fullPath; var files = Directory.GetFiles(FullPath).Select(p => new FileItem(p) { Level = this.Level + 1 }).ToList(); Items.AddRange(files); var subFolders = Directory.GetDirectories(fullPath).Select(p => new FolderItem(p) {Level = this.Level + 1}).ToList(); Items.AddRange(subFolders); } public List<FileSystemItem> Items { get; set; } public override void Operation(IExcelWorksheetAdapter ws) { Items.ForEach(x => x.Operation(ws)); } } public class FileItem : FileSystemItem { public FileItem(string path) { if (File.Exists(path)) { FullPath = path; } } public override void Operation(IExcelWorksheetAdapter ws) { ws.AddPicture(this); } } [TestFixture] public class DirectoryCompositeTest { [Test] public void Operation_for_a_directory_files() { var directory = new FolderItem(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory); directory.Operation(new Sample()); // give your IExcelWorksheetAdapter implementation here. } } public class Sample : IExcelWorksheetAdapter { public void AddPicture(FileSystemItem aFile) { Console.WriteLine(Indent(aFile.Level) + aFile.Name); } private string Indent(int level) { string result = ""; for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) { result += "-"; } return result; } } 
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