

D001 D002 D003 345 



 D001 First Text D0002 Second Text D003 Third Text 345 Fouth Text 


 Public Sub CountLines() Dim H1 As Double Dim H2 As Double Dim row As Long row = 1 While Cells(row, 1).Value <> "" With Cells(row, 1) .WrapText = False H1 = .height .WrapText = True H2 = .height .Offset(0, 1).Value = H2 / H1 End With row = row + 1 Wend End Sub 









 Sub AddText() Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1) Dim myCell As Variant, myRange As Range, tempArr() As String Dim i As Integer Set myRange = ws.Range("A1", ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp)) For Each myCell In myRange tempArr = Split(myCell, Chr(10)) myCell.Value = "" For i = 0 To UBound(tempArr) tempArr(i) = tempArr(i) & " text " & i If i = UBound(tempArr) Then myCell.Value = myCell.Value & tempArr(i) Else: myCell.Value = myCell.Value & tempArr(i) & Chr(10) End If Next i Next myCell End Sub 

如果您希望它从基数1而不是基数0开始计数,请将myCell.Value = myCell.Value & tempArr(i) (以及If语句中的以下内容myCell.Value = myCell.Value & tempArr(i)的行更改为myCell.Value = myCell.Value & tempArr(i) + 1


Dim arr()As String Dim arr2()As String

arr = Split(yourCell,char(10))arr2 = Split(“first,second,third”,“,”)

对于i = 1到UBound(arr)debugging。 打印arr(i)+ arr2(i)next i


这只会在单元格中的每行之后放置(随机)文本。 但它给你一个开始的地方。

 Option Explicit Public Sub RePrint() Dim MyRange As Range Dim MyArray As Variant Dim i As Long Set MyRange = Range("A1") MyArray = Split(MyRange, Chr(10)) For i = LBound(MyArray) To UBound(MyArray) MyArray(i) = MyArray(i) & " Text" & i Next i MyRange = Join(MyArray, Chr(10)) End Sub 


 Function AddText(rng As Range, textsArr As Variant) As String Dim nTexts As Long, nLines As Long, iLine As Long Dim linesArr As Variant nTexts = UBound(textsArr) - LBound(textsArr) + 1 With rng linesArr = Split(.Value, vbLf) nLines = UBound(linesArr) - LBound(linesArr) + 1 If nTexts < nLines Then nLines = nTexts For iLine = 1 To nLines linesArr(LBound(linesArr) - 1 + iLine) = linesArr(LBound(linesArr) - 1 + iLine) & " " & textsArr(LBound(textsArr) - 1 + iLine) Next iLine AddText = Join(linesArr, vbLf) End With End Function 


 Option Explicit Sub main() Dim cell As Range Dim additionalTexts As Variant additionalTexts = Array("First Text", "Second Text", "Third Text", "Fourth Text") '<--| set your array of additional text, each element index corresponding to to be processed cell content line With Worksheets("ADDTEXT") '<--| reference your relevant worksheet (change "ADDTEXT" to your actual relevant worksheet name) For Each cell In .Range("A1", .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)) '<--| reference its column "A" cells form row 1 down to last not empty row cell.Value = AddText(cell, additionalTexts) '<--| process Next cell End With End Sub 

这将在文本“第一行”,“第二行”…每行之后。 现在设置的方式使用A1的值并replaceA1的值。 对于4行或更less的电池是理想的,但是它可以工作得更多。

 Sub appendCharacters() Dim lines() As String Dim text As String lines = Split(Range("A1"), Chr(10)) Range("A1").Value = "" For i = LBound(lines) To UBound(lines) Select Case i Case 0 text = " First Line" Case 1 text = " Second Line" Case 2 text = " Third Line" Case 3 text = " Fourth Line" Case Else text = " Another Line" End Select lines(i) = lines(i) + text Range("A1").Value = Range("A1").Value + lines(i) If i <> UBound(lines) Then Range("A1").Value = Range("A1").Value + vbCrLf End If Next i End Sub