

我从第2页 – 细胞A和B拉动数据






Sub Test()' Range("G2:J3").Select Range("J3").Activate Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("G2:J5"), Type:=xlFillDefault Range("G2:J5").Select End Sub 

好的,从LastCell开始,在这里你可以得到一些关于它的信息: http ://www.cpearson.com/excel/LastCell.aspx

这不是那么容易,因为你已经合并了单元格,所以我不得不做一些小的解决方法。 第一步,我从你的例子中计算工作表List的单元格数量。 后来,我使用自动填充来填充任意多个单元格 – 列G:I,并在列J中的相同单元格中复制格式。最后一步是从列J中复制值



 Sub counting() Dim WS As Worksheet Dim LastCell As Range Dim LastCellRowNumber As Long Set WS = Worksheets("List") 'your worksheet name With WS Set LastCell = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp) LastCellRowNumber = LastCell.Row End With Worksheets("Barcodes").Range(Cells(2, 7), Cells(3, 9)).AutoFill _ Destination:=Range(Cells(5, 7), Cells(6 + (LastCellRowNumber * 2) - 4, 9)), Type:=xlFillDefault 'filling columns from G to I Worksheets("Barcodes").Range(Cells(2, 10), Cells(3, 10)).AutoFill _ Destination:=Range(Cells(5, 10), Cells(6 + (LastCellRowNumber * 2) - 4, 10)), Type:=xlFillFormats ' filling with format J column j = 4 k = 5 For i = 6 To LastCellRowNumber 'filling values in column J Cells(j, 10).Value = "=List!A" & i Cells(k, 10).Value = "=List!B" & i j = j + 2 k = k + 2 Next End Sub 


 Sub counting() Dim WS As Worksheet Dim LastCell As Range Dim LastCellRowNumber As Long Set WS = Worksheets("List") 'your worksheet name With WS Set LastCell = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp) LastCellRowNumber = LastCell.Row End With Worksheets("Barcodes").Range(Cells(5, 7), Cells(6, 7)).AutoFill _ Destination:=Range(Cells(5, 7), Cells(6 + (LastCellRowNumber * 2) - 4, 7)), Type:=xlFillDefault 'filling column G Worksheets("Barcodes").Range(Cells(5, 8), Cells(6, 9)).AutoFill _ Destination:=Range(Cells(5, 8), Cells(6 + (LastCellRowNumber * 2) - 4, 9)), Type:=xlFillFormats 'filling with columns H:J j = 7 k = 8 For i = 3 To LastCellRowNumber 'copying values in columns I, J Cells(j, 9).Value = "=List!A" & i Cells(j, 8).Value = Cells(j - 2, 8).Value Cells(k, 9).Value = "=List!B" & i Cells(k, 8).Value = Cells(k - 2, 8).Value j = j + 2 k = k + 2 Next End Sub 


 Sub auto_copy() Dim WSL As Worksheet, WSB As Worksheet Dim first_col As Long, second_col As Long Dim first_r As Byte, first_c As Byte Dim second_r As Byte, second_c As Byte Dim LastCellRowNumber As Long, comeback As String Dim LastCell As Range, ActiveWS As String Application.ScreenUpdating = False ActiveWS = ActiveSheet.Name Set WSB = Worksheets("Barcodes") 'your worksheet name Set WSL = Worksheets("List") 'your worksheet name With WSL Set LastCell = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp) LastCellRowNumber = LastCell.Row - 3 End With first_col = Round(LastCellRowNumber / 2) second_col = LastCellRowNumber - first_col first_r = 5 'position of "first column" row first_c = 7 'position of "first column" column second_c = 11 'position of "first column" column WSB.Activate comeback = ActiveCell.Address For i = 1 To LastCellRowNumber If Application.IsOdd(i) = True Then WSB.Range(Cells(first_r, first_c), Cells(first_r + 1, first_c)).Copy WSB.Range(Cells(first_r + 2, first_c), Cells(first_r + 1 + 2, first_c)).PasteSpecial WSB.Range(Cells(first_r, first_c + 1), Cells(first_r + 1, first_c + 2)).Copy WSB.Range(Cells(first_r + 2, first_c + 1), Cells(first_r + 1 + 2, first_c + 2)).PasteSpecial Else WSB.Range(Cells(first_r, second_c), Cells(first_r + 1, second_c)).Copy WSB.Range(Cells(first_r + 2, second_c), Cells(first_r + 1 + 2, second_c)).PasteSpecial WSB.Range(Cells(first_r, second_c + 1), Cells(first_r + 1, second_c + 2)).Copy WSB.Range(Cells(first_r + 2, second_c + 1), Cells(first_r + 1 + 2, second_c + 2)).PasteSpecial first_r = first_r + 2 End If Next Range(comeback).Activate Worksheets(ActiveWS).Activate Application.CutCopyMode = False Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub