
我有12个工作表(每个月1)中包含未知数量的条目(行)。 这些行跟踪交付数据。 我想parsing每一行的每一页,并执行以下操作:




Date&Time PU | Date&Time Del |PU Loc. Name |PU Street |PUCityStateZip |DEL Loc. Name|DEL Street |DELCityStateZip |Number of Pieces|Weight |TotalAmt 01/01/2016 05:30 | 01/01/2016 07:30 | Warehouse A | 123 Nowhere St. | Toronto, ON P3L 3M0 | Hospital A | 321 Made-up Ave. | Stratford, ON T45 6H8 | 6 | 240 Lbs | $245.00 02/01/2016 06:30 | 02/01/2016 07:30 | Warehouse B | 123 Lost Road | Hamilton, ON P3X 3Z0| Hospital A | 321 Made-up Ave. | Stratford, ON T4P 6H8 | 3 | 240 Lbs | $245.00 01/01/2016 09:30 | 02/01/2016 11:30 | Warehouse A | 123 Nowhere St. | Toronto, ON P3L 3M0 | Hospital B | 123 Boul Fake. | Montreal, QC T4Y 6J8 | 1 | 24 Lbs | $45.00 04/01/2016 05:30 | 04/01/2016 07:30 | Warehouse A | 123 Nowhere St. | Toronto, ON P3L 3M0 | Hospital A | 321 Made-up Ave. | Stratford, ON T4P 6H8 | 4 | 160 Lbs | $145.00 Using the sample data above we would have(for total number of deliveries): 2 Deliveries from Warehouse A to Hospital A 1 Delivery from Warehouse B to Hospital A 1 Delivery from Warehouse A to Hospital B 

我知道如何通过不同的工作表循环。 我也知道如何循环到最后一行的末尾,行数未知。

我不知道sorting我的数据,比较接送地点的最佳方法。 即。 我需要查看数据,以确定A仓库在一月份交付了7次,在2月份交付了15次,在12月份交付了10次。我没有代码完成这项工作,在这一点上,因为我有问题想象如何最好地处理这个问题。

这必须是一个VBA解决scheme – 我以前可以用手工完成,但是我想要一个“自动”的VBA解决scheme。



 SELECT Year([Date&Time Del]), Month([Date&Time Del]), [PU Loc. Name], [DEL Loc. Name] COUNT(*) AS CountOfDeliveries FROM [SheetName$] GROUP BY Year([Date&Time Del]), Month([Date&Time Del]), [PU Loc. Name], [DEL Loc. Name] 



 SELECT Year([Date&Time Del]), [PU Loc. Name], [DEL Loc. Name] COUNT(*) AS CountOfDeliveries FROM [SheetName$] GROUP BY Year([Date&Time Del]), [PU Loc. Name], [DEL Loc. Name] 
