
我试图收集水平数据(从左到右)从单元格I10开始 – 我首先尝试对macros进行编码以在列I中标识正确的分类账户。列I在下面I:10列出我想要的列, Dividend Income

 Ledger Account Prior Shares Outstanding Current Shares Outstanding Current Share Activity Previous Net Assets Current Net Assets Net Asset Change Market Value Trading Gain Loss Dividend Income 


 Sub Sample() Dim ws As Worksheet Dim MyAr As Variant Dim SearchString As String Dim aCell As Range Dim i As Long SearchString = "Ledger Account" '~~> Change this as applicable Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1) With ws Set aCell = .Columns(1).Find(What:=SearchString, LookIn:=xlValues, _ LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _ MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False) If Not aCell Is Nothing Then '~~> 5 Denotes the 5th column ie Column "E" '~~> Amend as applicable '~~> Store the values From say Col B to E in the array MyAr = Application.Transpose( _ .Range(.Cells(aCell.Row, 2), _ .Cells(aCell.Row, 5) _ ).Value _ ) '~~> Check what is in the array For i = LBound(MyAr) To UBound(MyAr) Debug.Print MyAr(i, 1) Next i End If End With End Sub 


例1:我是I:10 to Z:10 ? 你的意思是I10 to Z10还是I10:Z10 ? 冒号在两个单独的单元格地址之间定义一个范围。

示例2:文本暗示帐户名称列表位于列I(= 9)中,但您的代码search列1(= A)。


考虑: Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)

用户可以打开几个工作簿。 让我们呼叫A,B,C和D.用户可以让A活动,但在D中调用一个macros。当这种情况发生时,可以使用ActiveWorkbook来引用活动工作簿和ThisWorkbook来引用包含macros。 如果您认为用户可能会从另一个工作簿中调用macros,则您是正确的,可以明确指出您需要包含该macros的工作簿中的工作表。 否则Set ws = Sheets(1)会给你一个工作表内的活动工作簿。

避免Sheets(1)Sheets(2) 。 在这里,1和2是指用户可以有意或无意地改变标签行内的顺序。 创build一个新的工作簿并将此代码复制到一个模块:

 Option Explicit Sub Test1() Dim InxWsht As Long For InxWsht = 1 To Worksheets.Count Debug.Print Worksheets(InxWsht).Name Next End Sub 


 Sheet1 Sheet2 Sheet3 

现在移动Sheet2,使其位于Sheet3之后,然后重新运行macros。 现在的输出是:

 Sheet1 Sheet3 Sheet2 

始终按名称标识工作表; 例如:工作表(“分类帐”),以便用户不会意外地破坏您的macros。

考虑Set aCell = .Columns(1).Find . . . Set aCell = .Columns(1).Find . . .

正如我所说,这将search第1列,虽然您的文字说第一列。这可能只是一个印刷错误,但是最好避免在代码的主体中使用字面值。 当新列被添加或者用户想要新的序列时,列移动。 通过代码search试图确定哪些数字指向一列,以便更新它们可以是一个很容易避免的噩梦。

 Const ColName As Long = 9 


 Const ColName As String = "I" 


 Set aCell = .Columns(ColName).Find . . . 

现在,如果包含分类帐名称的列移动,则顶部的一个更改会更新代码。 还有一个好处就是“ColName”对未来的维护程序员来说意味着什么(可能是你)。 如果你曾经尝试过更新一个作者用数字来引用20个不同列的macros,你就会明白为什么我喜欢这个名字。

我把你的名字列表加载到工作表“Ledgers”的列“A”中。 下面是你的macros的修改版本。 研究我的变化,试图理解为什么我做了他们。 回答问题的必要性,但越多,你可以为自己工作,你会发展得越快。

 Sub Sample() Const ColName As Long = 1 Const ColFirstWanted As Long = 2 Dim ws As Worksheet Dim MyAr As Variant Dim SearchString As String Dim aCell As Range Dim ColCrnt As Long ' Avoid names like i; they can get very confusing. Dim ColLast As Long SearchString = "Dividend Income" '~~> Change this as applicable Set ws = Worksheets("Ledgers") With ws Set aCell = .Columns(ColName).Find(What:=SearchString, LookIn:=xlValues, _ LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _ MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False) If Not aCell Is Nothing Then ' Find last used column in row ColLast = .Cells(aCell.Row, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column '~~> Amend as applicable '~~> Store the values From say Col B to E in the array '## Note: Transpose is slow when called from VBA. MyAr = .Range(.Cells(aCell.Row, ColFirstWanted), .Cells(aCell.Row, ColLast)).Value '~~> Check what is in the array ' ## Note: Although the worksheet row is not 1 and the first column is not 1, ' ## the lower bounds are both 1. This can be confusing. I suggest ' ## loading the entire row so the worksheet column numbers match the array ' ## column numbers. A few extra columns in the array is a small price to pay ' ## reduced confusion. For ColCrnt = LBound(MyAr, 2) To UBound(MyAr, 2) Debug.Print ColCrnt & " " & MyAr(1, ColCrnt) Next ColCrnt End If End With End Sub