
我在Excel中与vba有点新。 我试图做一个函数来检查特定文本的范围,并将包含该值的单元格添加到新的范围。 并返回新的范围。



Function Test(Testvalue As String, TargetRange As Range) As Range Dim rng2 As Range Dim c As Range For Each c In TargetRange If c.Text = Testvalue Then If Not rng2 Is Nothing Then ' Add the 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc cell to our new range, rng2 ' this is the most common outcome so place it first in the IF test (faster coding) Set rng2 = Union(rng2, c) Else ' the first valid cell becomes rng2 Set rng2 = c End If End If Next Set Test = rng2 End Function 

但是,当我把这个在Excel中使用,例如在= IsBlank(testing(苹果; A1:A5)),它返回一个#VALUE !.

有人有一个想法如何我可以得到这个工作。 许多thz提前

单元格地址是Stringtypes,而不是一个Rangetypes,所以你不能从函数返回。 用户定义的函数(UDF)不能返回Range对象。 你可以做的是返回每个单元格的地址:

 Function Test(Testvalue As String, TargetRange As Range) As String Dim rng2 As String Dim c As Range For Each c In TargetRange If c.Text = Testvalue Then If rng2 <> vbNullString Then ' Add the 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc cell to our new range, rng2 ' this is the most common outcome so place it first in the IF test (faster coding) rng2 = rng2 & "," & c.Address Else ' the first valid cell becomes rng2 rng2 = c.Address End If End If Next Test = rng2 End Function 

这个函数的输出是一个逗号分隔的string地址列表。 (B3包含公式,B2显示B3中公式的外观)



 Function test2(TestValue As String) As String Dim c As Range For Each c In Range(TestValue) MsgBox "The cell's address is: " & c.Address Next c test2 = "Last calculated on " & Now() End Function 



 Function Test(Testvalue As String, TargetRange As Range) As String Dim d As Object: Set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") Dim c As Range For Each c In TargetRange If c.Value2 = Testvalue Then d.Add c.Address(0, 0), "" Next Test = Join(d.keys, ","): Set d = Nothing End Function