

Option Explicit Sub Arrange() Dim FinalRow, FinalRow1 As Long Dim ws, wr As Worksheet Dim strCN, strAdd, strCity, strState, strZip, strPhone, strWeb As String Application.ScreenUpdating = False Dim i, j As Long Set ws = Sheets("details") FinalRow = ws.Range("A900000").End(xlUp).Row For j = 2 To FinalRow strCN = Cells(j, "A") strAdd = Cells(j, "H") strCity = Cells(j, "I") strState = Cells(j, "J") strZip = Cells(j, "K") strPhone = Cells(j, "R") strWeb = Cells(j, "U") Set wr = Sheets("output") FinalRow1 = wr.Range("A900000").End(xlUp).Row For i = FinalRow1 To FinalRow1 + 51 With Sheets("output") Cells(i, "A").Text = strCN 'Error Line Cells(i, "B").Text = strAdd Cells(i, "C").Text = strCity Cells(i, "D").Text = strState Cells(i, "E").Text = strZip Cells(i, "F").Text = strPhone Cells(i, "G").Text = strWeb End With Next i Next j End Sub 

根据我们上面的谈话。 我已经做了我build议的改变。


 Dim FinalRow, FinalRow1 As Long Dim ws, wr As Worksheet Dim strCN, strAdd, strCity, strState, strZip, strPhone, strWeb As String Application.ScreenUpdating = False Dim i, j As Long Set ws = Sheets("details") FinalRow = ws.Range("A900000").End(xlUp).Row For j = 2 To FinalRow With ws strCN = .Cells(j, "A") strAdd = .Cells(j, "H") strCity = .Cells(j, "I") strState = .Cells(j, "J") strZip = .Cells(j, "K") strPhone = .Cells(j, "R") strWeb = .Cells(j, "U") End With Set wr = Sheets("output") FinalRow1 = wr.Range("A900000").End(xlUp).Row For i = FinalRow1 To FinalRow1 + 51 With Sheets("output") .Cells(i, "A").Value = strCN 'Error Line .Cells(i, "B").Value = strAdd .Cells(i, "C").Value = strCity .Cells(i, "D").Value = strState .Cells(i, "E").Value = strZip .Cells(i, "F").Value = strPhone .Cells(i, "G").Value = strWeb End With Next i Next j Application.ScreenUpdating = True