



Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim temp As String Dim tem As String With Target If .Count = 1 And .Column = 8 And .Row < 600 Then tem = .Row If Sheets("Parts- input").Cells(tem, 8).Comment Is Nothing Then If Sheets("Pins").Cells(.Row, .Column).Value = "" Then Sheets("Parts- input").Cells(tem, 8).Comment.Delete Else Sheets("Parts- input").Cells(tem, 8).AddComment "Lifts Sheet: " & Sheets("Pins").Cells(.Row, .Column).Value End If Else If Sheets("Pins").Cells(.Row, .Column).Value = "" Then Sheets("Parts- input").Cells(tem, 8).Comment.Delete Else Sheets("Parts- input").Cells(tem, 8).Comment.Text "Lifts Sheet: " & Sheets("Pins").Cells(.Row, .Column).Value End If End If End If End With End Sub 


 Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) With Target If .Count = 1 And .Column = 8 And .row < 600 Then If Sheets("Pins").Cells(.row, .Column).Value = "" Then Sheets("Parts- input").Cells(.row, 8).Comment.Delete Else If Sheets("Parts- input").Cells(.row, 8).Comment Is Nothing Then Sheets("Parts- input").Cells(.row, 8).AddComment "Lifts Sheet: " & Sheets("Pins").Cells(.row, .Column).Value Else Sheets("Parts- input").Cells(.row, 8).Comment.Text "Lifts Sheet: " & Sheets("Pins").Cells(.row, .Column).Value End If End If Else If Not Intersect(Target, Target.Parent.Range("H1:H599")) Is Nothing Then Dim runner As Range, rng As Range For Each runner In Intersect(Target, Target.Parent.Range("H1:H599")).Cells If Sheets("Pins").Cells(runner.row, 8).Value = "" Then If rng Is Nothing Then Set rng = Sheets("Parts- input").Cells(runner.Rows, 8) Else Set rng = Union(rng, Sheets("Parts- input").Cells(runner.Rows, 8)) End If End If End If Next rng.Comment.Delete End If End With End Sub 

