当我在VBA-Excel中将1 Sub划分为2 Sub时出现“下标超出范围”错误

我在“模块”中写了一个VBA-SQL代码,它从表格中读取表格,然后通过SQL代码将表格发送到服务器。 我将每列保存为数组result1(), result2(), result3()Col1, Col2只是服务器中的列名。 it是数组的索引(所有数组的索引都是相同的)VBA-SQL代码就像这样。 而这个Sub完美的作品:

 Sub Datasend_Click() Dim result1() As Variant, result2() As Variant, result3() As Variant Dim Col1 As String, Col2 As String, Col3 As String Dim it As Integer Set ValidSheet = Worksheets("Sheet2") Set DataRange = ValidSheet.Range("C22:C81") it = 1 For Each dataa In DataRange ReDim Preserve result1(it) result1(it) = dataa.Value it = it + 1 Next Set DataRange = ValidSheet.Range("D22:D81") it = 1 For Each dataa In DataRange ReDim Preserve result2(it) result2(it) = dataa.Value it = it + 1 Next For it = 1 To 60 SQL = "INSERT INTO PaymentPattern (" & Col1 & ", " & Col2 & ", " & Col3 & ") " SQL = SQL & "VALUES (" & Str(result1(it)) & ", " & Str(result2(it)) & ", " & Str(result3(it)) & ")" dbclass.ExecuteSQL SQL Next it End Sub 

不过,我想把这个Sub分解成2个Sub's 。 第一个Sub将读取并保存表单中的数组(然后我可以使用其他Sub's数组),第二个Sub将调用第一个Sub并运行SQL代码将数组发送到服务器。 我写了如下所示的2 Sub's ,但是我得到一行SQL = SQL & "VALUES (" & Str(result1(it)) & ", " & Str(result2(it)) & ", " & Str(result3(it)) & ")" “下标超出范围” SQL = SQL & "VALUES (" & Str(result1(it)) & ", " & Str(result2(it)) & ", " & Str(result3(it)) & ")" 。 当我debugging它时,它显示it=1正常,但是它显示结果result1(it) “下标超出范围”。 你能说出什么问题吗?

 Sub arrayread() Dim result1() As Variant, result2() As Variant, result3() As Variant Dim it As Integer Set ValidSheet = Worksheets("Sheet2") Set DataRange = ValidSheet.Range("C22:C81") it = 1 For Each dataa In DataRange ReDim Preserve result1(it) result1(it) = dataa.Value it = it + 1 Next Set DataRange = ValidSheet.Range("D22:D81") it = 1 For Each dataa In DataRange ReDim Preserve result2(it) result2(it) = dataa.Value it = it + 1 Next End Sub 

 Sub Datasend_Click() Dim result1() As Variant, result2() As Variant, result3() As Variant Dim it As Integer Dim Col1 As String, Col2 As String, Col3 As String arrayread For it = 1 To 60 SQL = "INSERT INTO PaymentPattern (" & Col1 & ", " & Col2 & ", " & Col3 & ") " SQL = SQL & "VALUES (" & Str(result1(it)) & ", " & Str(result2(it)) & ", " & Str(result3(it)) & ")" dbclass.ExecuteSQL SQL Next it End Sub 

它归结于数组的范围(它们被声明的地方)。 你在每个子文件中分别声明它们,所以Datasend_Click中的result1对arrayread中的result1 arrayread 。 因此, result1result2将在第二个子项中为空,导致您的下Subscript out of range错误,因为您没有元素,但您正试图访问它。

以下是一篇概述VBAvariables作用域的Microsoft文章: https : //support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/141693 。 Chip Pearson在这方面也有一篇很好的文章: http : //www.cpearson.com/excel/scope.aspx

您应该将result1result2的声明移动到您的Module的顶部(在Sub的上面),以使它们具有Class Level作用域(适用于Module中的所有方法)。

 Dim result1() As Variant, result2() As Variant, result3() As Variant Sub arrayread() Dim it As Integer Set ValidSheet = Worksheets("Sheet2") Set DataRange = ValidSheet.Range("C22:C81") it = 1 For Each dataa In DataRange ReDim Preserve result1(it) result1(it) = dataa.Value it = it + 1 Next Set DataRange = ValidSheet.Range("D22:D81") it = 1 For Each dataa In DataRange ReDim Preserve result2(it) result2(it) = dataa.Value it = it + 1 Next End Sub Sub Datasend_Click() Dim it As Integer Dim Col1 As String, Col2 As String, Col3 As String arrayread For it = 1 To 60 SQL = "INSERT INTO PaymentPattern (" & Col1 & ", " & Col2 & ", " & Col3 & ") " SQL = SQL & "VALUES (" & Str(result1(it)) & ", " & Str(result2(it)) & ", " & Str(result3(it)) & ")" dbclass.ExecuteSQL SQL Next it End Sub 
