Excel VBA打开工作簿,执行操作,另存为,closures



Sub SaveInFormat() Application.DisplayAlerts = False Workbooks.Application.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="C:\Documents and Settings\jammil\Desktop\AutoFinance\ProjectControl\Data\" & Format(Date, "yyyymm") & "DB" & ".xlsx", leFormat:=51 Application.DisplayAlerts = True End Sub 

还有error handling的问题,我知道我错了,但我更有兴趣修复closuresfunction,在我进入它的那一刻。 这是需要一些工作的error handling代码

 Sub test() Dim wk As String, yr As String, fname As String, fpath As String Dim owb As Workbook wk = ComboBox1.Value yr = ComboBox2.Value fname = yr & "W" & wk fpath = "C:\Documents and Settings\jammil\Desktop\AutoFinance\ProjectControl\Data" owb = Application.Workbooks.Open(fpath & "\" & fname) On Error GoTo ErrorHandler: ErrorHandler: If MsgBox("This File Does Not Exist!", vbRetryCancel) = vbCancel Then Exit Sub Else Call Clear 'Do Some Stuff Call Module13.SaveInFormat owb.Close 



 Option Explicit Sub test() Dim wk As String, yr As String Dim fname As String, fpath As String Dim owb As Workbook With Application .DisplayAlerts = False .ScreenUpdating = False .EnableEvents = False End With wk = ComboBox1.Value yr = ComboBox2.Value fname = yr & "W" & wk fpath = "C:\Documents and Settings\jammil\Desktop\AutoFinance\ProjectControl\Data" On Error GoTo ErrorHandler Set owb = Application.Workbooks.Open(fpath & "\" & fname) 'Do Some Stuff With owb .SaveAs fpath & Format(Date, "yyyymm") & "DB" & ".xlsx", 51 .Close End With With Application .DisplayAlerts = True .ScreenUpdating = True .EnableEvents = True End With Exit Sub ErrorHandler: If MsgBox("This File Does Not Exist!", vbRetryCancel) = vbCancel Then Else: Call Clear End Sub 

error handling:


  On Error Resume Next Set owb = Application.Workbooks.Open(fpath & "\" & fname) If Err.Number = 1004 Then GoTo FileNotFound Else End If ... Exit Sub FileNotFound: If MsgBox("This File Does Not Exist!", vbRetryCancel) = vbCancel Then Else: Call Clear 

我会尝试回答几个不同的事情,但是我的贡献可能不包括你所有的问题。 也许我们中的几个人可以采取不同的块。 但是,这个信息应该对你有帮助。 开始了..


 ChDir "[Path here]" 'get into the right folder here Workbooks.Open Filename:= "[Path here]" 'include the filename in this path 'copy data into current workbook or whatever you want here ActiveWindow.Close 'closes out the file 




 On Error Resume Next 'if error occurs continues on to the next line (ignores it) ChDir "[Path here]" Workbooks.Open Filename:= "[Path here]" 'try to open file here 



你很可能会想要使用下面显示的GoTo ErrorHandler来实现这一点

 On Error GoTo ErrorHandler: ChDir "[Path here]" Workbooks.Open Filename:= "[Path here]" 'try to open file here ErrorHandler: 'Display error message or any code you want to run on error here 

有关error handling的更多信息,请访问: http : //www.cpearson.com/excel/errorhandling.htm

另外如果你想了解更多或需要更多地了解VBA,我会推荐Siddharth Rout的网站,他有很多的教程和示例代码在这里: http : //www.siddharthrout.com/vb-dot-net-and- Excel中/



如果你通过代码debugging没有Exit Sub之前的error handling程序,你会很快意识到error handling程序将运行每次如果有一个错误regarldess或不。 代码示例下面的链接显示了此问题的上一个答案。

  Sub Macro On Error GoTo ErrorHandler: ChDir "[Path here]" Workbooks.Open Filename:= "[Path here]" 'try to open file here Exit Sub 'Code will exit BEFORE ErrorHandler if everything goes smoothly 'Otherwise, on error, ErrorHandler will be run ErrorHandler: 'Display error message or any code you want to run on error here End Sub 

另外,看看这个其他问题,你需要更多的参考这是如何工作的: goto块不工作的VBA