excel vba试验函数和数组




PS。 我知道这没有多大意义,我可以在服务器function内部的东西,但相信我,我有我的理由。 🙂


如果有帮助,你也可以尝试。 你只需要添加一个名为“服务器”的单元格,在它下面写一些随机单词。 现在它应该在msgbox“ok”中写入x次,其中x是您在单元格下命名为“Servers”的单元格的行数,


'server name Function server(ByVal issrvname As String) Dim j As Integer Dim c As Range Dim x As Integer, y As Integer For Each c In Sheets("Topology").UsedRange.Cells Dim srvname() As String j = 0 If c.Cells.Value = "Servers" Then y = c.Column: x = c.Row + 1 Do Until IsEmpty(Cells(x, y)) ReDim Preserve srvname(0 To j) As String srvname(j) = Cells(x, y).Value x = x + 1 j = j + 1 Loop End If Next c For Each c In Sheets("Topology").UsedRange.Cells If IsInArray(c.Cell.Value, srvname) Then issrvname = True Else issrvname = False End If Next c End Function 


 Function IsInArray(stringToBeFound As String, arr As Variant) As Boolean IsInArray = (UBound(Filter(arr, stringToBeFound)) > -1) End Function 


 Sub test() Dim c As Range For Each c In Sheets("Topology").UsedRange.Cells If server(c) = True Then MsgBox "ok" End If Next c End Sub 



编辑1:这是现在在testing中尝试。 我已经重新编写了你的​​function,并提高了你的分数。

 Sub test() Dim j As Integer Dim c As Range, c1 As Range Dim x As Integer, y As Integer Dim i As Long '~~> added it just to check how many is shown in MsgBox For Each c In Sheets("Topology").UsedRange.Cells '~~> generate array if "Servers" is encountered If c.Value = "Servers" Then Dim srvname() As String j = 0 y = c.Column: x = c.Row + 1 With Sheets("Topology").UsedRange Do Until IsEmpty(.Cells(x, y)) ReDim Preserve srvname(j) srvname(j) = .Cells(x, y).Value x = x + 1 j = j + 1 Loop End With '~~> use the generated Array of values here i = 1 For Each c1 In Sheets("Topology").UsedRange.Cells If IsInArray(c1.Value, srvname) Then MsgBox "ok" & i i = i + 1 End If Next c1 End If Next c End Sub 


 Function IsInArray(stringToBeFound As String, arr As Variant) As Boolean IsInArray = Not IsError(Application.Match(stringToBeFound, arr, 0)) End Function 

也许你这样做只是为了testing? 我只是认为用于生成数组的表单必须与要比较服务器名称的工作表不同。
