尝试比较列a中的细胞和列b vba中的细胞

我对VBA相当陌生,直到现在,在find我需要的答案方面相当成功。 我想在列A中取一个值,看它是否出现在列B中,并在find该值时执行一个操作,然后转到列B中的下一列。我觉得我近了,只是没有得到正确的东西。


Sub Macro1() ' ' Macro1 Macro Dim currentA As String Dim currentB As String Dim a As Integer Dim b As Integer a = 2 b = 1 Do Until IsEmpty(ActiveCell) Cells(a, b).Select currentA = ActiveCell Debug.Print (currentA) a = a + 1 Range("b2").Select Do Until IsEmpty(ActiveCell) currentB = ActiveCell If currentA = currentB Then With Selection.Interior .Pattern = xlSolid .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic .ThemeColor = xlThemeColorAccent1 .Color = 65535 .PatternTintAndShade = 0 .TintAndShade = 0 End With End If Debug.Print (currentA) ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select Loop Loop End Sub 


 Option Explicit Sub TestMe() Dim currentA As String Dim currentB As String Dim a As Long Dim b As Long Dim cellA As Range Dim cellB As Range a = 2 b = 1 With ActiveSheet Set cellA = .Range("A2") Do Until IsEmpty(cellA) Set cellA = .Cells(a, b) a = a + 1 Set cellB = .Range("B2") Do Until IsEmpty(cellB) If cellA.Value = cellB.Value Then PaintMe cellA PaintMe cellB End If Set cellB = cellB.Offset(1, 0) Loop Loop End With End Sub Public Sub PaintMe(cellA As Range) With cellA.Interior .Pattern = xlSolid .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic .ThemeColor = xlThemeColorAccent1 .Color = 65535 .PatternTintAndShade = 0 .TintAndShade = 0 End With End Sub 


  1. 单元格和范围被引用到Activesheet中。
  2. 我已经更新了循环,所以他们看起来更好。
  3. 我做了一个特殊的PaintMe ,绘制左侧和右侧的列。
  4. 我已经避免使用ActiveCell,因为它是缓慢和困难 – 在这里看到更多 – 如何避免使用Excel中selectVBAmacros



一般来说,像这样的解决scheme是非常不专业的,因为它具有n 2的algorithm复杂度 ,这可能是这类问题的最坏情况。 你有两个循环内相互,这是最慢的可能的解决scheme。 总的来说,有更好的方法来做到这一点。 但是对于excel,它应该工作。

 Sub CompareCells() Dim CellInColA As Range Dim CellInColB As Range For Each CellInColA In Application.Intersect(ActiveSheet.UsedRange, Columns("A").Cells) For Each CellInColB In Application.Intersect(ActiveSheet.UsedRange, Columns("B").Cells) If CellInColB = CellInColA Then 'found it - do whatever CellInColB.Interior.ColorIndex = 3 Exit For End If Next CellInColB Next CellInColA End Sub