
我有一个名为NumberID的列有大约50klogging的电子表格。 我知道有重复,但滚动向上/向下它需要永远find什么加上往往是Excel的速度有点慢。 我试图写一个快速的代码片段,以便能够find并计算重复的数量。


Dim lastRow As Long Dim matchFoundIndex As Long Dim iCntr As Long Dim count As Long count = 0 lastRow = Range("B48210").End(xlUp).Row For iCntr = 1 To lastRow If Cells(iCntr, 1) <> "" Then matchFoundIndex = WorksheetFunction.Match(Cells(iCntr, 1), Range("B20:B" & lastRow), 0) If iCntr <> matchFoundIndex Then count = count + 1 End If End If Next MsgBox count 

这里即时获取错误= WorkSheetFunction.Match – 我发现这个属性可以用来完成我想要做的。 错误说


有人有一个想法? 我的vba已经生锈了

既然你想“重复计数” ,一个非常快速的方法是利用Range对象的RemoveDuplicates()方法,如下所示:

 Option Explicit Sub main() Dim helperCol As Range Dim count As Long With Worksheets("IDs") '<--| reference your relevant sheet (change "IDs" to youtr actual sheet name) Set helperCol = .UsedRange.Resize(, 1).Offset(, .UsedRange.Columns.count) '<--| set a "helper" range where to store unique identifiers With .Range("A1", .Cells(.Rows.count, 1).End(xlUp)) '<-- reference "IDs" column from row 1 (header) to last not empty cell helperCol.Value = .Value '<--| copy identifiers to "helper" range helperCol.RemoveDuplicates Columns:=1, Header:=xlYes '<--| remove duplicates in copied identifiers count = .SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants).count - helperCol.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants).count '<--| count duplicates as the difference between original IDs number and unique ones End With helperCol.ClearContents '<--| clear "helper" range End With MsgBox count & " duplicates" End Sub 

使用Match对于许多行来说是非常低效的。 我会用find的项目填写一个Dictionary ,只是testing看看你以前是否见过它们:

 'Add a reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime. Public Sub DupCount() Dim count As Long With New Scripting.Dictionary Dim lastRow As Long lastRow = Range("B48210").End(xlUp).Row Dim i As Long For i = 1 To lastRow Dim test As Variant test = Cells(i, 2).Value If IsError(test) Then ElseIf test <> vbNullString Then If .Exists(test) Then count = count + 1 Else .Add test, vbNull End If End If Next End With MsgBox count End Sub 



  • 数数
  • 删除
  • select


  1. 案件不知情的情况下
  2. 忽略空白
  3. 甚至RegexP匹配
  4. 运行多张表
