
我想在VBA中填充一个只有满足一定条件的行的行号。 我想最快的方法可能(例如,像RowArray = index(valRange=valMatch).row


Current Code

 Sub get_row_numbers() Dim RowArray() As Long Dim valRange As Range Dim valMatch As String Set valRange = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A11") valMatch = "aa" ReDim RowArray(WorksheetFunction.CountIf(valRange, valMatch) - 1) For Each c In valRange If c.Value = valMatch Then RowArray(x) = c.Row: x = x + 1 Next c End Sub 



 Sub GetEm() Dim x x = Filter(Application.Transpose(Application.Evaluate("=IF(A1:A50000=""aa"",ROW(A1:a50000),""x"")")), "x", False) End Sub 


 Arr = rngval For I = 1 to ubound(arr) If arr(I,1) = valMatch Then RowArray(x) = I: x = x + 1 Next 

问题标题中有一个假设:循环解决scheme速度慢,非循环解决scheme速度更快。 所以,我进行了一些比较来检查。


我创build了一些由50,000个样本组成的样本数据,以及50%的匹配值。 对于最快的方法,我创build了两个更多的样本集,再次有50,000行,一个有10%的匹配行,另一个有90%的匹配行。


  50% 10% 90% ExactaBox 1300 1240 1350 ms Scott Holtzman 415000 John Bustos 12500 Chris neilsen 310 310 310 Brettdj 970 970 970 OP 1530 1320 1700 

所以道德是清楚的:只是因为它包括一个循环,不会使其变慢。 什么慢访问工作表,所以你应该尽一切努力最小化。



 Sub GetRows() Dim valMatch As String Dim rData As Range Dim a() As Long, z As Variant Dim x As Long, i As Long Dim sCompare As String Set rData = Range("A1:A50000") z = rData ReDim a(1 To UBound(z, 1)) x = 1 sCompare = "aa" For i = 1 To UBound(z) If z(i, 1) = sCompare Then a(x) = i: x = x + 1 Next ReDim Preserve a(1 To x - 1) End Sub 


唯一不同于你的代码的是RowArray()是一个Stringtypes。 但是,如果您需要这样做,则可以根据需要将数字取出,然后使用CLng将其转换为Long。

 Sub get_row_numbers() Dim rowArray() As String, valRange As Range, valMatch As String Dim wks As Worksheet, I As Long, strAddress As String Set wks = Sheets(1) valMatch = "aa" With wks Set valRange = .Range("A1:A11") Dim strCol As String strCol = Split(valRange.Address, "$")(1) '-> capture the column name of the evaluated range '-> NB -> the method below will fail if a multi column range is selected With valRange If Not .Find(valMatch) Is Nothing Then '-> make sure valMatch exists, otherwise SpecialCells method will fail .AutoFilter 1, valMatch Set valRange = .SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible) '-> choose only cells where ValMatch is found strAddress = valRange.Address '-> capture address of found cells strAddress = Replace(Replace(strAddress, ":", ""), ",", "") '-> remove any commas and colons strAddress = Replace(strAddress, "$" & strCol & "$", ",") '-> replace $column$ with comma strAddress = Right(strAddress, Len(strAddress) - 1) '-> remove leading comma rowArray() = Split(strAddress, ",") '-> test print For I = 0 To UBound(rowArray()) Debug.Print rowArray(I) Next End If 'If Not .Find(valMatch) Is Nothing Then End With ' With valRange End With 'With wks End Sub 

你可能想看看发现VS匹配与变种arrays ,其结论是变体arrays方法是最快的,除非命中密度非常低。



 Sub get_row_numbers() Dim RowArray() As Long Dim valRange As Range Dim valMatch As String Set valRange = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A11") valMatch = "aa" ReDim RowArray(WorksheetFunction.CountIf(valRange, valMatch) - 1) Dim c As Range Dim x As Integer Set c = valRange.Find(What:=valMatch, LookIn:=xlFormulas, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext) Do RowArray(x) = c.Row Set c = valRange.FindNext(after:=c) x = x + 1 Loop Until x = UBound(RowArray) + 1 End Sub 

在示例中,您的范围是硬编码的。 你有没有备用的专栏? 如果是这样的话,你可以用右边的单元格填充0,如果不匹配,或者是行号。 然后将其拉入数组并过滤。 无循环:

 Sub NoLoop() Dim valMatch As String Dim rData As Excel.Range, rFormula As Excel.Range Dim a As Variant, z As Variant Set rData = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Range("A1:A11") 'hard-coded in original example Set rFormula = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Range("B1:B11") ' I'm assuming this range is currently empty valMatch = "aa" 'hard-coded in original example 'if it's a valid match, the cell will state its row number, otherwise 0 rFormula.FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(RC[-1]=""" & valMatch & """,ROW(RC),0)" a = Application.Transpose(rFormula.Value) z = Filter(a, 0, False) 'filters out the zeroes, you're left with an array of valid row numbers End Sub 



ExactaBox,你的解决scheme对我很有帮助。 但是,通过公式还有一个返回值的问题

rFormula.FormulaR1C1= "=IF(RC[-1]=""" & valMatch & """,ROW(RC),0)".

由于VBA Filter函数通过进行string比较来过滤值,所以它也会过滤掉其中有零的行号。 例如,有效的行号,20,30,40等也应该被过滤掉,因为它们包含零,所以最好在公式中写一个string代替0,因此可以是:

rFormula.FormulaR1C1= "=IF(RC[-1]=""" & valMatch & """,ROW(RC),""Valid"")"
