
我已经设定了一个范围。 该范围中的一些单元格具有值,且很多单元格不具有值,它们是空白的。 我有一个范围循环需要时间,因为它处理每个单元格:

For Each cel1 In rngsh1 



就像For Each cel11 in rngsh1 and not nothing我知道这个语法是错误的,但我正在寻找一个正确的。


 Dim cel11 As Range Dim rngsh1 As Range 'Function MultiOr(str As String, ParamArray arr() As Variant) As Boolean ' Dim holder, runner ' MultiOr = True ' For Each holder In arr 'look for everything in arr ' If IsArray(holder) Then 'if what you found is an array ' For Each runner In holder 'for everything in that array ' If MultiOr(str, runner) Then Exit Function ' Next ' Else 'if its no array ' If Not IsMissing(holder) Then If holder = str Then Exit Function ' End If ' Next ' MultiOr = False 'End Function Sub MySub() For Each cel1 In Range ' If Not IsEmpty(cel1.Value) Then 'see EEM's answer If Len(cel1.Value) > 0 Then ' If MultiOr(cel1.Value, condi) Then 'no need for this function If Not IsError(Application.Match(cel1.Value, Range("I1:BJ1"), 0)) Then 'your code here End If End If Next End Sub '`condi` can be a range with all the conditions or an array or simply a value... 

要真正search非空白单元格,需要使用SpecialCells Range Method(请参阅Range.SpecialCells方法(Excel)


由于程序中使用的一些资源可能对用户来说是新的,所以我build议访问Select Case Statement ,但是让我知道您可能对代码有任何疑问。

 Sub Search_NonBlank_Cells() Dim Rng As Range Dim rCll As Range Rem Set Range Set Rng = ActiveSheet.Range(kRng) Rem Ensure blank intended cells are actually blank Rng.Value = Rng.Value2 Rem Loop Through Non-Blank Cells Only For Each rCll In Rng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, _ xlErrors + xlLogical + xlNumbers + xlTextValues) Rem Validate if cell value starts with "center" If Left(rCll.Value2, 6) = "center" Then Rem Validate if remaining cell value is between 1 to 54 Select Case Application.Substitute(rCll.Value2, "center", "") Case 1 To 54 Rem Process Cell Found rCll.Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 0) End Select: End If: Next End Sub 


 Sub Search_NonBlank_Cells_Debug() Dim Rng As Range Dim rCll As Range : SendKeys "^g^a{DEL}": Stop : Debug.Print vbLf; Now : Debug.Print "Address"; Tab(11); "Cll.Value"; Tab(31); "Status" Rem Set Range Set Rng = ActiveSheet.Range(kRng) Rem Ensure blank intended cells are actually blank 'ie Cells with formulas results as "" are not blank cell this makes then blank cells Rng.Value = Rng.Value2 Rem Loop Through Non-Blank Cells Only For Each rCll In Rng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, _ xlErrors + xlLogical + xlNumbers + xlTextValues) : Debug.Print rCll.Address; Tab(11); rCll.Value2; Rem Validate if cell value starts with "center" If Left(rCll.Value2, 6) = "center" Then Rem Validate if remaining cell value is between 1 to 54 Select Case Application.Substitute(rCll.Value2, "center", "") Case 1 To 54 Rem Process Cell Found : Debug.Print Tab(31); "Processed" rCll.Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 0) Case Else : Debug.Print Tab(31); "Skipped" End Select Else : Debug.Print Tab(31); "Skipped" End If: Next End Sub